[Video] Phonegate: Dr. George Carlo supports international action.

By Marc Arazi, Published: October 20, 2017

George Carlo: “I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr Arazi here today here in Paris to discuss his findings in the Phonegate project.This is critically important for everyone using cell phones because we have evidence that phones that are used every day violate the safety standards that the industry themselves put in place. It is our hope that we will be able to support Dr Arazi and his work and that we will be able to use this information to protect consumers in a way that we have not been able to do before.”


A note by Dr Arazi: (translated from French)
Yesterday in Paris, where he stopped for a few hours, I had the great pleasure of meeting Dr. George Carlo, world-renowned scientist in regards to health risks related to mobile phones. For the record, he was doing research on behalf of the industry: a major study of more than 20 million dollars. A courageous and scientific man, he did not hesitate to denounce the dangers that his studies had shown.In 1999 funds for Dr. Carlo’s research were not renewed, and the industry sought to discredit him. It is a real honor to be able to work with him on these public health issues. He has also gladly agreed to leave this video message to support international action against the #Phonegate health and industry scandal. A big thank you George!


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