5G Action Event Perth – Dr Cooper


5G Action Event held in Perth, Western Australia, 28th April 2019.

**All slides contained in this video are the intellectual property of Dr. Russell Cooper. Such property shall not be used or recreated outside of this video in any form other than by Dr. Cooper himself. Such a breach in copyright will result in legal action.** Dr Cooper providing scientific evidence and explanation of the alarming health effects of 5G technology. A detailed, well-referenced presentation providing links to many of the leading scientific and medical organizations that have been desperately trying to bring these concerning facts into public awareness. The remainder of the event containing guidance on effective legal action:

5G Action Event Perth 1/2 – Raymond Broomhall & Greg Mellick – https://youtu.be/dVK3JT_zyro

5G Action Event Perth 2/2 – Greg Mellick – https://youtu.be/F76ipLJz70k

From the video:

Dr Cooper mentions a case of a lady who was carrying twins and used her mobile phone on her belly. The twins were born with brain cancer. One has passed away and one is receiving chemotherapy. Pregnant women should never have mobile phones on their bellies or anywhere near them.


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