
Klune, J.; Arhant, C.; Windschnurer, I.; Heizmann, V.; Schauberger, G. Tracking Devices for Pets: Health Risk Assessment for Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields. Animals 2021, 11, 2721. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11092721 Simple Summary To increase the probability of reunions occurring between owners and lost pets, tracking devices are applied to pets. The pet’s position is determined by satellites (e.g., GPS) and...
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Translated from German:  The Study Overview (Review) “Biological and Pathological Effects of the 2.45 GHz on Cells, Fertility, Brain and Behavior”, written by Isabel Wilke was published in the journal Umwelt-Medicine-Gesellschaft. ( 1/2018) Credit for this post:  https://www.diagnose-funk.org/publikationen/artikel/detail&newsid=1256 This review documents more than 100 studies that detect health risks of the carrier frequency 2.45 GHz...
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