
Wireless Education
March 2019 expert forum on “Microwave Radiation in Our Schools” on YouTube. Ask your TV station to air it.  
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Published on Jul 15, 2018 Please see the links below for information given to the Board of Health. Feel free to share with your own municipal leaders and loved ones: The science: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/the-science New cancer studies: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/cancers 5G & Internet of Things: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/5g-IoT Massachusetts EMF Bills: https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/ma-emf-bills Note: The Wireless Education Courses are available through...
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Contributed by Mikko Ahonen, PHD France [1] and Russia [2] have current laws to minimise Wi-Fi exposure to children in schools. These two countries have the world’s longest research history on health effect of microwaves, both over 100 years. 1. Too many devices for long periods of time = chronic exposure Much of the research...
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