
Wind Farms
Malfunctioning electrical infrastructure can pose serious fire hazards, especially in renewable energy systems, energy storage, and power transmission. From faulty solar installations and lithium-ion battery fires to smart meter failures and high-voltage transmission line sparks, electrical faults have been linked to devastating fires. Understanding these risks and implementing proper safety measures—such as regular maintenance, high-quality...
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Omar & Arrowsmith, Stephen & Blom, Philip & Jones, Kyle. (2015). On infrasound generated by wind farms and its propagation in low-altitude tropospheric waveguides. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 120. 10.1002/2014JD022821. Abstract Infrasound from a 60‐turbine wind farm was found to propagate to distances up to 90 km under nighttime atmospheric conditions. Four infrasound sensor arrays...
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Murgatroyd, M, Bouten, W, Amar, A. A predictive model for improving placement of wind turbines to minimise collision risk potential for a large soaring raptor. J Appl Ecol. 2020; 00: 1– 12.  https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.13799 Win-win for wind energy and eagles 06 January 2021 By BES Press Office Researchers create new tool that allows wind turbine developers to minimise risk of collisions with eagles. The...
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