
Wilson, A.A., Ditmer, M.A., Barber, J.R., Carter, N.H., Miller, E.T., Tyrrell, L.P. and Francis, C.D. (2021), Artificial night light and anthropogenic noise interact to influence bird abundance over a continental scale. Glob Change Biol. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15663 Abstract The extent of artificial night light and anthropogenic noise (i.e., “light” and “noise”) impacts is global and has the capacity...
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Levitt BB, Lai HC, Manville AM. Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, part 1. Rising ambient EMF levels in the environment. Rev Environ Health. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0026. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34047144. Abstract Ambient levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have risen sharply in the last 80 years, creating a...
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Russart KLG, Nelson RJ. Light at night as an environmental endocrine disruptor. Physiol Behav. 2018 Jun 1;190:82-89. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.08.029. Epub 2017 Sep 7. PMID: 28870443; PMCID: PMC5839924. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0031938417302743?via%3Dihub Abstract Environmental endocrine disruptors (EEDs) are often consequences of human activity; however, the effects of EEDs are not limited to humans. A primary focus over the past...
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Alaasam VJ, Liu X, Niu Y, Habibian JS, Pieraut S, Ferguson BS, Zhang Y, Ouyang JQ. Effects of dim artificial light at night on locomotor activity, cardiovascular physiology, and circadian clock genes in a diurnal songbird. Environ Pollut. 2021 Mar 31;282:117036. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117036. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33838441. Abstract Artificial light is transforming the...
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As an artist-in-residence at Death Valley National Park, photographer Harun Mehmedinović captured images of its night skies and increasing light pollution. In this snowy shot, he caught both stars and, on the right, the glow of the city of Las Vegas. BY CLAIRE TURRELL PHOTOGRAPHS BY HARUN MEHMEDINOVIĆ DEATH VALLEY NATIONAL Park is a land of extremes. Stretching...
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July 2020 A summary of the responses to the consultation and the Government’s response Excerpt 20.PHE is familiar with the evidence submitted to the consultation about possible risks to public health and considers that its advice, as set out below, remains unchanged. 21.PHE updated its guidance, published in October 2019, in respect of 5G in...
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Comments Submitted for the Record Re: 19-226, Studying Impacts of 5G Radiation on Humans Through Safety Testing June 3, 2020 Brief Comment: To Whom It May Concern at the Federal Communications Commission: As the Federal agency lead from 1997 to 2014 — when I retired from the Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish &...
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A short video seeks to stem the rising tide of light pollution, which is robbing Earth of its dark night skies. Light pollution doesn’t just make it more difficult for professional and backyard astronomers to observe the heavens, according to the 6.5-minute film, which is called “Losing the Dark.” The loss of darkness also disrupts...
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By Olle Johansson, former head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and former adjunct professor of The Royal Institute of Technology, also Stockholm, Sweden, now retired and leading The Institute of Common Sense for Common Sense, Utö/Stockholm, Sweden. Olle Johansson KI – Photo: NASMS, A. McDowell The collective evidence...
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Physicians for Safe Technology just completed an extremely comprehensive section on Environmental and Wildlife Effects. Sections are ordered as follows:  Review Articles, Books, Amphibians, Bacteria, Bats, Bees and Insects, Birds, Cell Towers, Fish, Government  Letters and Papers, Magneto-reception, Mammals, Non-Thermal Effects, Plants and Seeds, Trees. 
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