
Among the topics we discuss in our November 2019 Newsletter: Glioblastoma RFR Carcinogenicity The Precautionary Principle versus the ALARA Principle 5G Research at Bremen University The WHO, UN, ITU and ICNIRP – Important decisions made at the recent ITU congress in Egypt. Videos and podcasts Occupational risks for cell tower antenna workers and maintenance workers...
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Slides of lecture Leszczynski New Zealand Lectures November 2019 at the Auckland University, Nov. 19, 2019. Source:
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David Carpenter, M. D., professor and former Dean of the University at Albany School of Public Health, discusses wireless radiation and its impact on public health, particularly children. This is an edited version of a longer presentation made in April, 2019 in Shrewsbury, MA.
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Re-posted from November 4, 2019 After eight years of work, the World Health Organization (WHO) is reopening its review of the health effects of RF radiation for a summary report intended to serve as a benchmark for its more than 150 member countries. The report will be used as a guide to respond to widespread...
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  The “Other” Half of the Spectrum – Thermal and non-thermal effects of non-ionizing radiation exposure D. Miles  EMFSA  www.emfsa.co.za   Dr. Dimitris Panagopoulos     Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe BMBS (Soton) – UK / USA http://phiremedical.org   https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/reveh.2016.31.issue-3/reveh-2016-0011/reveh-2016-0011.xml South African Scientist  James Lech Mr Lech’s CV is included in the link below:   Carcinogenicity Studies Cell...
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Myopia (near-sightedness): Increased time spent indoors  and increased “near work” activities are leading to more people suffering from myopia. Increased outdoor time can reduce this risk. For more information about the report please see: https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/08-10-2019-who-launches-first-world-report-on-vision Prescription to slow worsening myopia in Canadian kids? Head outdoors https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/myopia-children-1.4627366 Too much screen time linked to an epidemic of myopia among...
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9th October 2019: Sources: and http://www.emf-net.ru/index.php?id=1570607869 The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Radiation Programme has an ongoing project to assess potential health effects of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields in the general and working population. To prioritize potential adverse health outcomes, WHO conducted a broad international survey in 2018. Ten major topics were identified for...
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Slideshare Presentation by Mikko Ahonen (Researcher, PhD) at the University of Umeå. Umeå is a test city for 5G in Sweden A slide from the presentation:
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A video by Olga Sheean with an accompanying document: Published on Jun 5, 2019  
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