
Source: https://washingtonspectator.org/regulators-steamroll-health-concerns-as-the-global-economy-embraces-5g/ By Joel Moskowitz, Sep 18, 2020 In a Washington Post op-ed (June 4), “5G conspiracy theories threaten the U.S. recovery,” Thomas Johnson Jr., the Federal Communications Commission’s general counsel, declared: “Conjectures about 5G’s effect on human health are long on panic and short on science.” Snippet: According to Johnson, “if we delay 5G deployment based...
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Source: https://www.orfonline.org/expert-speak/now-china-wants-to-capture-telecommunications-standards/ After capturing WHO (World Health Organization), now the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has set its eyes on enslaving ITU (International Telecommunication Union). In its 8 September 2020 missive, the CCP has made clear its intentions: to establish global standards on data security. Perhaps Chinese State Councillor Wang Yi mouthing multilateralism in the same breath and...
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Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/5g/363594-what-south-africans-think-about-the-plan-to-let-networks-build-5g-towers-on-their-property.html?utm_source=newsletter For the annexure https://mybroadband.co.za/news/5g/363594-what-south-africans-think-about-the-plan-to-let-networks-build-5g-towers-on-their-property.html?utm_source=newsletter
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Re-posted from https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2020/07/02/no-sufficient-health-research-on-5g-but-  July 2, 2020 WE KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT… UNDER DICTATE FROM TELECOMS AND ICNIRP, GOVERNMENTS DEPLOY 5G WITHOUT PRE-MARKET TESTING AND WITHOUT SETTING RESEARCH AGENDA ON 5G AND HEALTH. Excerpt: Waldemar Kraska, Secretary of State: 1. there is no research on whether 5G will affect life and health of Poles...
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The role of the GSMA: •The GSMA represents the mobile industry to governments and institutions where it advocates policy and regulatory positions on behalf of its members. Its stated goals in this area is to ensure that mobile telecoms “policy and regulatory frameworks are fair, flexible and future-proof”; that radio spectrum is made available for...
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Quite often, people who have recently joined up the dots and linked exposure to EMFs to their symptoms – in other words, people who have realised that they are ‘electrosensitive’ – try to get their heads around what has happened to them, and why. I know that I did. A dawning awareness of the harmful...
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Facing Reality **RF in the pyramid above indicates the Rockefeller Foundation Our April 2020 Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/7622df84fb12/emfnews “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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Time To Clean House ICNIRP is a non governmental organization that advises the WHO on international EMF Guidelines. In an article of April 9, 2020, Microwave News called for ICNIRP to be disbanded. https://microwavenews.com/news-center/time-clean-house The US is contemplating the same course of action, but for the WHO itself. -The Trump administration is debating potentially far-reaching...
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Image credit Quino Al@quinoal Unsplash.com Our January 2020 newsletter can be viewed at  https://mailchi.mp/6e91efe7b4c0/emfsa-january-2020-news “For the Safer Use of Technology”
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