
Urban Planning
Romain Sordello, Samuel Busson, Jérémie H. Cornuau, Philippe Deverchère, Baptiste Faure, Adrien Guetté, Franz Hölker, Christian Kerbiriou, Thierry Lengagne, Isabelle Le Viol, Travis Longcore, Pascal Moeschler, Jessica Ranzoni, Nicolas Ray, Yorick Reyjol, Yoann Roulet, Sibylle Schroer, Jean Secondi, Nicolas Valet, Sylvie Vanpeene, Sébastien Vauclair, A plea for a worldwide development of dark infrastructure for biodiversity...
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Drivers of fatal bird collisions in an urban center Benjamin M. Van Doren, David E. Willard, Mary Hennen, Kyle G. Horton, Erica F. Stuber, Daniel Sheldon, Ashwin H. Sivakumar, Julia Wang, Andrew Farnsworth, Benjamin M. Winger Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jun 2021, 118 (24) e2101666118; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2101666118 Significance Collisions with built structures are an important source of bird mortality, killing hundreds of millions of birds annually in North America alone. Nocturnally migrating birds are attracted to and...
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