
July 2020 A summary of the responses to the consultation and the Government’s response Excerpt 20.PHE is familiar with the evidence submitted to the consultation about possible risks to public health and considers that its advice, as set out below, remains unchanged. 21.PHE updated its guidance, published in October 2019, in respect of 5G in...
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Source https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-53403793 By Leo Kelion Technology, desk editor The UK’s mobile providers are being banned from buying new Huawei 5G equipment after 31 December, and they must also remove all the Chinese firm’s 5G kit from their networks by 2027. Digital Secretary Oliver Dowden told the House of Commons of the decision. It follows sanctions...
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Quite often, people who have recently joined up the dots and linked exposure to EMFs to their symptoms – in other words, people who have realised that they are ‘electrosensitive’ – try to get their heads around what has happened to them, and why. I know that I did. A dawning awareness of the harmful...
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POSTED ON MAY 15TH, 2020IN : 5G SPECTRUM The results obtained have led the ANFR to propose a new wave exposure measurement indicator The Agence National des Fréquences (ANFR), published a detailed report on the exposure values measured during several 5G pilot deployments conducted in France. Ofcom released earlier in February 2020, a shorter report on the results...
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Health-related effects of electromagnetic fields Tonia Antoniazzi, MP for Gower called the debate Video at the link below: https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/6e555c76-9f87-4c47-ae3f-33d1a68e9fc6?in=16%3A35%3A28&out=17%3A28%3A00&fbclid=IwAR3IjmgLy7O0vHDRa-iKcqAb4prwb8JoYgZ3xFT4yY0wwSXWiLL05hIyDhs On You Tube: Transcript of hearing: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/whall/?id=2019-06-25a.294.0&p=11661
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