
Wireless communication technologies: New study findings confirm risks of non ionizing radiation. Digital mobile devices emit non ionizing radiation. The risks of electromagnetic fields (EMF) to human health have been known from medical and military research since the 1950s. This article documents the latest study findings regarding the endpoints of genotoxicity, fertility, blood-brain barrier, cardiac...
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According to a recent CDC survey, for the first time more American households have cell phones than land lines. Meanwhile the evidence keeps accruing that long term cell phone use appears to increase brain cancer risk. In the U.S. the lifetime risk of developing glioma, the most common brain cancer, is between 1 in 200...
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As for Italy, there have now been 3 court decisions: 2 recent court decisons in 2017 giving compensation for acoustic neuroma (0ne in Turin and one in Florence) The first one was in 2012, awarding for a neuroma of a nearby nerve (but not acoustic). The first case in 2012 was filed by Marcolini in...
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Does cell phone use increase the chances of parotid gland tumor development? A systematic review and meta-analysis http://www.saferemr.com/2016/12/cell-phone-use-and-salivary-gland-tumor.html
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