
MASS SURVEILLANCE, PART ONE Source: Daily Maverick https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-09-08-heres-how-johannesburg-security-cameras-track-you/ By Heidi Swart • 8 September 2021 Vumacam is a security company with a rapidly expanding surveillance camera network across Joburg. This includes more than 2,000 automatic licence plate recognition (ALPR) cameras recording the registration number of every passing vehicle — at a rate of 9.68 million per...
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Hanno Labuschagne, 1 August 2020 The National Department of Health’s use of the COVIDConnect platform as a contact tracing solution is a misguided attempt to make its previously failed contact tracing more palatable. This is according to Associate Professor Co-Pierre Georg of the University of Cape Town, a fintech expert who is part of the...
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Wednesday 13 May 2020 | 09:30 CET | News South Africa’s acting minister of communications and digital technologies, Jackson Mthembu has published a directive that revises the coronavirus regulations for mobile networks, reports BusinessTech. It deletes a number of requirements introduced by the Department of Communications on 26 March when the country entered lockdown. Extract: Major...
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Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/11/13/102462/5g-has-security-flaws-that-could-let-hackers-track-your-location/#Echobox=1573656773 November 13 th Snippet Time is running out: Although they still face technical and regulatory barriers, 5G networks are starting to roll out in a few major cities worldwide, offering faster speeds and (we are told) greater security for users. Plugging these security holes will be an urgent task. Read the full article at:...
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