
Authors: Lennart Hardell, Michael Carlberg Published online on: July 15, 2020     https://doi.org/10.3892/ol.2020.11876ArticleNumber: 15Copyright: © Hardell et al. Abstract The fifth generation, 5G, of radiofrequency (RF) radiation is about to be implemented globally without investigating the risks to human health and the environment. This has created debate among concerned individuals in numerous countries. In an appeal to the European Union (EU) in September 2017, currently...
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Around 45 figures from Swiss society, science, business and politics, as well as 19 associations, have joined forces to launch the “CHANCE5G” online platform on Friday. The initiative is financed by the Swiss Telecommunications Association (asut) and its members, which include telecom firms Sunrise, Swisscom, Cellnex, as well as Ericsson and Huawei. The purpose of the...
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Note: These newsletters were prepared under contract to the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). The Swiss expert group on electromagnetic fields and non-ionising radiation (BERENIS) bears sole responsibility for the content. Summaries and assessments of selected studies:In the period from August to end of October 2019, 84 new publications have been identified, and eight of...
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Source: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20200617/5g/swiss-telecoms-association-calls-acceleration-5g-deployments?fbclid=IwAR3BJSVpuP01aD0gxg7rzbYb6RfYO5_0WdXrDe9HEb004RS_tsrFfoKUHzM By Juan Pedro Tomás on JUNE 17, 2020 Swiss Association of Telecommunications (Asut) has called on politicians and public authorities in Switzerland to accelerate the switch to 5G technology in the country. According to the association, the upgrade of the mobile networks with the latest 5G technology is making little progress due to a lack of...
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Yanitsa Boyadzhieva, Mobile World Live Switzerland’s Federal Council decided to keep current 5G radiation exposure limits, while unveiling plans to further monitor the effects of the next-generation mobile technology. In a statement, the cabinet explained it aimed to protect the population from non-ionizing radiation by maintaining its limits. While noting 5G can play an important...
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Source https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-swiss-5g/swiss-maintain-5g-emission-standards-amid-safety-concerns-idUKKCN22420T ZURICH (Reuters) – The Swiss government will keep current safety standards for fifth-generation (5G) mobile frequency emissions, it said on Wednesday, settling a debate that has delayed the rollout of the new technology. Concerns about the potential health impact of 5G emissions have flared in Switzerland, where just over half of people fear...
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Source: https://www.msn.com/de-ch/nachrichten/schweiz/bundesrat-will-grenzwerte-f%C3%BCr-strahlenbelastung-nicht-lockern/ar-BB1320ix?ocid=spartanntp&fbclid=IwAR0efvAL7kL7KcyrFnnJdGRug6zXnDVXaKVdfT_Cvkpf-eYKhtuSOQHfVfA (Auto translated) The Swiss Federal Council does not want to relax the limit values ​​for radiation exposure. This was decided on Wednesday after a discussion on how to continue using 5G mobile technology. Parliament has twice refused to relax the limit values. The working group “Mobile Communications and Radiation” set up by the federal...
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Environmental officials in Switzerland told Mobile World Live (MWL) reports of a blanket ban on future 5G infrastructure deployments in the country due to health concerns were not accurate, with local authorities instead tasked with ruling on the siting of the kit. Responding to a report by Financial Times (FT), a representative of the Federal Office for the Environment...
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27/12/2019 BY LE NEWS Swisscom, Switzerland’s largest mobile operator, announced that it has achieved its plan to reach 90% of Switzerland’s population with 5G signals by the end of 2019. The installed infrastructure will allow it to deliver a basic service, which will be slower than the final version but still 1,000 times more effective than 4G....
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Source: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/majority-of-swiss-population-opposes-nationwide-5g-roll-out-survey–1315949 Wednesday 13 November 2019 | 10:15 CET | News More than half of the Swiss population (54%) is against a nationwide roll-out of 5G, according to a survey carried out by the newspaper 20min.ch and analysed by the research firm LeeWas. Read more at: https://www.telecompaper.com/news/majority-of-swiss-population-opposes-nationwide-5g-roll-out-survey–1315949
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