
Monday 26 April 2021 Swisscom, Sunrise UPC win legal battle over 5G moratorium in Geneva The constitutional chamber of the canton of Geneva has repealed the cantonal law imposing a moratorium on the expansion of 5G mobile networks, business news agency awp Finanznachrichten reports. The court found the law to be contrary to higher law....
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Thursday 24 September 2020 | 13:32 CET | News Swisscom said it has partnered with Ericsson and Qualcomm to pick start-ups to develop 5G applications through the 5G Start-up Challenge competition. The winners of the competition can test their applications in March 2021 at Swisscom’s 5G laboratory or other locations and regions and even on trains,...
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AUGUST 25, 2020 (Adds detail, Swisscom comment) ZURICH, Aug 25 (Reuters) – Switzerland’s competition watchdog has launched an investigation into Swisscom following suspicions the telecoms company is abusing its market position in the area of broadband communications. Swisscom is accused of charging excessively high prices in its tenders for projects to connect company sites, the...
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Source: https://www.lematin.ch/story/5g-en-suisse-leconomie-veut-un-passage-en-force-702250181264?fbclid=IwAR1O0BjjoWlSAokssErr5F78V8Bf9qOYhDlJKbUWuijX8uDCVoxIP8z94h4 Auto translation from French The refusal by the National Council of a motion requesting immediate monitoring of the health effects is symptomatic of operators’ impatience. But the unease runs deeper. by Eric Felley By 102 votes to 75, the National Council swept aside a motion from the Health Commission on Monday evening which wanted...
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Despite resistance or cantonal moratoria, operators continue to activate their 5G antennas in Switzerland. But at the moment, few people have devices to receive the signal. Auto translated from https://www.lematin.ch/story/pres-de-3000-antennes-5g-activees-en-suisse-123577519701?fbclid=IwAR0r2981-2-9KUFQFkLNrcKGjqGzLuSKc084WqKCJhV7aYtu-cKj7XL_bfs 08/23/2020 by Eric Felley This is a figure that is climbing every week or so. The number of 5G antennas activated in Switzerland will soon reach 3000....
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By Juan Pedro Tomás on AUGUST 14, 2020 Swiss state-controlled telecoms group Swisscom believes that the debate regarding the installation of 5G infrastructure in some regions of the country is becoming more “rational” and highlighted that it could be an opportunity for 5G deployments in the medium term. “Regarding the network rollout of 5G in Switzerland, we have...
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27/12/2019 BY LE NEWS Swisscom, Switzerland’s largest mobile operator, announced that it has achieved its plan to reach 90% of Switzerland’s population with 5G signals by the end of 2019. The installed infrastructure will allow it to deliver a basic service, which will be slower than the final version but still 1,000 times more effective than 4G....
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