
The largest ever study of facial-recognition data shows how much the rise of deep learning has fueled a loss of privacy. by Karen Hao February 5, 2021 In 1964, mathematician and computer scientist Woodrow Bledsoe first attempted the task of matching suspects’ faces to mugshots. He measured out the distances between different facial features in printed photographs and...
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In this first episode of City Surveillance Watch, a new limited podcast series, Kate Kaye explores the inherent dichotomy of data-hungry technologies that can be considered forms of surveillance. By Kate Kaye Published  Jan. 11, 2021 When does a smart city become an overly-surveilled city? In this first episode of City Surveillance Watch,a limited podcast series from...
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Source: Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ethiopia-african-union-cyber-exclusiv/exclusive-suspected-chinese-hackers-stole-camera-footage-from-african-union-memo-idUSKBN28Q1DB DECEMBER 16, 2020 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – As diplomats gathered at the African Union’s headquarters earlier this year to prepare for its annual leaders’ summit, employees of the international organization made a disturbing discovery. Someone was stealing footage from their own security cameras. Acting on a tip from Japanese cyber researchers, the African...
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Ziani, Otman (2020) ‘The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism in the time of Covid-19: The Case of North Africa’, Rowaq Arabi 25 (4), pp. 77-92. Source: https://rowaq.cihrs.org/the-rise-of-digital-authoritarianism-in-the-time-of-covid-19-the-case-of-north-africa/?lang=en By Otman Ziani, a professor of public law at Mohamed I University – Morocco. He is specialised in topics of political and constitutional life. Abstract At the forefront of...
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Nature 587, 354-358 (2020)doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-03187-3 18 NOVEMBER 2020 Journals and researchers are under fire for controversial studies using this technology. And a Nature survey reveals that many researchers in this field think there is a problem. Richard Van Noorden In September 2019, four researchers wrote to the publisher Wiley to “respectfully ask” that it immediately retract a scientific paper....
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Bedoya, Alvaro, Privacy as Civil Right (May 12, 2020). New Mexico Law Review, Vol. 50, No. 3, 2020, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3599201 Abstract As the first U.S.-born Hispanic senator, Senator Dennis Chávez of New Mexico left a rich legacy of advocacy for civil rights and civil liberties. In this lecture, the fourth U.S. Senator Dennis Chávez...
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The city council will vote in September on plans to update guidelines, which would provide more oversight and a Privacy Advisory Commission. By Chris Teale Published Aug. 5, 2020 Amid swirling controversies surrounding San Diego’s Smart Streetlights program, including its use to surveil protestors marching against systemic racism, new laws being debated in the city would more strictly...
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By Seth Colaner, July 31, 2020 3:19 PM This week, as the heads of four of the largest and most powerful tech companies in the world were called before a virtual congressional antitrust hearing to answer inquiries into how they built and run their respective behemoths, you could see that the bloom on the rose of Big...
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Eleni Kosta First published: 07 July 2020 https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12331 Abstract This paper explores the extent to which current interpretations of the notion of agency, as traditionally perceived under human rights law, pose challenges to human rights protection in light of algorithmic surveillance. After examining the notion of agency under the European Convention on Human Rights as...
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Source: Daily Maverick By Peter Fabricius • 15 June 2020 Senior American official says China is using Huawei to export its ‘surveillance state’. The US government has warned South Africa that it is risking the security of its most sensitive information and data by using the 5G telecoms infrastructure of the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.  The...
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