
Smart Homes
Bakardjieva Engelbrekt A, Leijon K, Michalski A, et al. What Does the Technological Shift Have in Store for the EU? Opportunities and Pitfalls for European Societies The European Union and the Technology Shift. 2021 Feb:1-25. Abstract This introductory chapter sheds light on the opportunities and challenges that the digital era has in store for the...
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SPECIAL REPORT: 5G opens the gates for surveillance on steroids https://t.co/S5d2CZ4uhy— Daily Maverick (@dailymaverick) April 6, 2021 By Heidi Swart • 6 April 2021 Heidi Swart is a journalist who reports on surveillance and data privacy. This story was commissioned by the Media Policy and Democracy Project, an initiative of the University of Johannesburg’s Department of...
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Source: https://techcentral.co.za/5gs-arrival-is-set-to-spark-a-global-patents-war/101732/ Battles unfolding on several continents over who profits from connected cars, smart homes and robotic surgery may dwarf the size and scope of the tech industry’s first worldwide patent war — the one over smartphones. Automakers are now in court fighting some of the same companies that phone makers such as Apple had to...
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