
Smart Cities
The advent of so-called disruptive technologies – those that fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another – provides criminals with new ways to pursue their illegal goals, but also equips law enforcement with powerful tools in the fight against crime. To remain relevant and effective, it is necessary for law...
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Source: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/jul/08/the-next-era-of-human-progress-what-lies-behind-the-global-new-cities-epidemic Article by Oliver Wainwright. Monday 8th July 2019 The urge to build cities from scratch is not new – but this time they are being conceived by private multinational corporations as gilt-edged tax-exempt gated communities. Extracts: Songdo, South Korea’s self-styled “smart city”: A place where the garbage is automatically sucked away through underground pipes,...
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Reality Check A few days ago we were listening to a radio interview with a man who has devoted most of his life to helping shack dwellers improve their quality of life. He mentioned one lady who (after her shack which was destroyed by a storm and replaced by him) as saying: “This is the...
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The President endorses 5G: -High tech industry expansion -Communications minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams will issue a policy direction to communications regulator Icasa within a month (the industry is desperate  to begin deployment of 5G technology) -Fourth Industrial Revolution -Coding and data analytics at a primary school level -National Development Plan -High-speed trains, megacities -High-tech economy ,...
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Chinese police are employing artificial intelligent (AI), 5G, facial recognition, smart lamps equipped with surveillance cameras, Wi-Fi and alarm buttons in preparation for the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, on October 1. A local police officer from Dongtai county, East China’s Jiangsu Province, who requested anonymity, told the Global Times...
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Vumatel subsidiary Vumacam is planning to roll out a total of 15 000 security cameras across the city of Johannesburg. And they are in a hurry – deployment is expected to be completed in 12 months. Vumacam’s deployment is supported by the City of Johannesburg. The City has also granted it wayleaves.  Once a wayleave (property owner’s...
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Roxana Marachi, Ph.D Link: Excerpts: While difficult to know how day-to-day life will change as a result of living in a “smart city,” the issues described below are certainly worth learning more about. What should residents expect as tangible benefits? What will be the costs? What blind spots may exist among well-intentioned leaders making decisions,...
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By Paul Héroux, Ph.D., Professor of Electromagnetic Toxicology, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University Endorsed by Dr David O. Carpenter M.D., Richard Conrad, Ph.D., Devra Davis Ph.D., Olle Johansson Ph.D., Don Maisch, Ph.D., Sam Milham, M.D., Anthony B. Miller, M.D., L. Lloyd Morgan, Eng., Hugo Schooneveld, Ph.D., Fernand Turcotte, M.D., Louise Vandelac, Ph.D. Version française The...
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