
Small Cells
Following are links to two briefs from a lawsuit filed against the FCC by Montgomery County, Maryland. The suit focuses on flaws in the FCC radiofrequency (RF) exposure limits pertinent to small cells and 5G. The exposure limits were adopted by the FCC in 1996 and were designed to protect humans only from short-term thermal...
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Note: this is an American law and people from other countries may adapt it to their disability discrimination laws. The following ADA Accommodations Request Packet may be used by ES (electrosensitivity) sufferers to apply for reasonable accommodations to help avoid RF radiation from “small cells” and Wi-Fi in public government areas, related to accessibility or any...
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Using the Australian Criminal Code: Assault and the Precautionary Principle: Important Helpful Legal Guidance from Barrister Raymond Broomhall How to Take Action Against 5G – Max Igan In Conversation With Ray Broomhall 5G Action Event Perth 1/2 – Raymond Broomhall &Greg  Barrister Greg Mellick sharing his views on the 5G Action Plan proposed by Raymond...
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Source: Excerpt: Overview: 5th generation (5G) wireless technology, as the name indicates, is the next generation wireless communication network from 4G and 4G LTE. Once fully implemented it will predominantly operate in the millimetre (mm) radiofrequency band which will allow much higher data transfer necessary for driverless vehicles, the Internet of Things (IoT), faster video downloads...
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12th April 2019: President Donald Trump said the U.S. will cut regulations and free up spectrum for 5G technology amid tight competition with China and other nations to develop the next generation of telecommunications infrastructure.  The airwaves to be sold are in frequency bands known as the upper 37 GHz, or gigahertz, the 39 GHz and...
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NB  Objections must be in by 1st of April 2019  (See the “Objections’ pdf * by EMFSA towards the bottom of the page) The COCT is well aware that the cell tower issue is a very problematic one for many communities and individuals. We fail to understand why it was lumped together with other proposed...
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Resource tool for Cities and Citizens by Physicians for Safe Technology Some of the topics covered : Small Cell Tower Applications: Cities Writing Preemptive  Ordinances Tools Cities and Citizens Can Use to Preserve Wireless Facilities Control Citizens are Fighting Cell Tower Proposals New City Rules: Stronger for Citizens or For Industry? Denying Applications: Significant Gap in Coverage...
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