
Source: https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/11/13/102462/5g-has-security-flaws-that-could-let-hackers-track-your-location/#Echobox=1573656773 November 13 th Snippet Time is running out: Although they still face technical and regulatory barriers, 5G networks are starting to roll out in a few major cities worldwide, offering faster speeds and (we are told) greater security for users. Plugging these security holes will be an urgent task. Read the full article at:...
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Link: https://www.natlawreview.com/article/internet-things-global-regulatory-ecosystem-and-most-promising-smart-environments?utm_content=3993e6116377b10ae738903c5677f252&utm_campaign=2019-8-14Cybersecurity%20Legal%20News&utm_source=Robly.com&utm_medium=email The author states that this article was intended to summarize two main issues: I) IoT as an increasing and cross topic market which will become a present reality closer to our daily lives; II) IoT will be regulated and become an important concern in consumer product health and safety. See the full article at...
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The advent of so-called disruptive technologies – those that fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another – provides criminals with new ways to pursue their illegal goals, but also equips law enforcement with powerful tools in the fight against crime. To remain relevant and effective, it is necessary for law...
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Source: US ELECTROMAGNETIC DEFENSE TASK FORCE (EDTF) 2018 REPORT https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/AUPress/Papers/LP_0002_DeMaio_Electromagnetic_Defense_Task_Force.pdf Approved for Public Release This conference report is a product of the United States Air Force Air University and the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education. (Published by Air University Press in November 2018). Disclaimer Opinions, conclusions, and recommendations expressed or implied within...
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Nov 17, 2018 — Tucson, Arizona Pima County, AZ 5G Awareness Coalition Public Forum: Is 5G a Technological Revolution or a Pandora’s Box? https://livestream.com/SAVP/5thGen/videos/183717189 3:06:45 — Ashley Portman: Start of Program 3:08:45 — Elizabeth Kelley 3:31:00 — Dr. Martin Pall 4:01:52 — Dr. Timothy Schoechle 4:24:32 — Eric Windheim 4:44:20 — Questions & Answers 5:10:10 — Ashley Portman: End of Program Elizabeth...
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GrassrootsEnvEd The first nationwide conference call about the rollout of 5G and the issues it raises for health, safety & security. Featuring presentations by many local organizations working on this issue. Recorded July 29, 2018. For more information, please visit WIN19.org.
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Audio of program at the Commonwealth Club of Califormia – from Reinventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks held on February 5, 2018 There is an information vacuum among government, media and the public about the relative role of wired communications and the reasons hard wires, such a copper cable and optical fiber, usually offer...
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