
Think Tank European Parliament Study 17-03-2022 This study describes two main dimensions of 5G technology, i.e. privacy and security. This research paper focuses on the analysis of cybersecurity risks and threats, privacy challenges and 5G technology opportunities at EU level and worldwide, as well as the relationship between cybersecurity risks and privacy issues. The methodological framework...
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Source: https://themarkup.org/privacy/2021/12/06/the-popular-family-safety-app-life360-is-selling-precise-location-data-on-its-tens-of-millions-of-user The app is a major source of raw location data for a multibillion-dollar industry that buys, packages, and sells people’s movements By: Jon Keegan and Alfred Ng December 6, 2021 Life360, a popular family safety app used by 33 million people worldwide, has been marketed as a great way for parents to track their...
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Source: https://breakingdefense.com/2021/10/addressing-5g-national-security-risks-should-start-with-satellite-security/ As the US and its partners try to exploit the benefits of 5G networks for future national security uses, the focus has largely been on security terrestrial networks. But in this analysis, Melissa K. Griffith of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars argues that those worried about 5G security need to aim...
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Even if your phone says it's connected to the next-generation wireless standard, you may not actually be getting all of the features 5G promises—including defense against so-called stingray surveillance devices. https://t.co/7arkOV23Dj #security— WIRED (@WIRED) August 10, 2021 You may not have the full story about what network you’re on—and how well you’re protected. IN NORTH...
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Source:  https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/analysts-knock-5g-effect-at-mwc-barcelona/2021/07/ Matt Kapko Editor July 8, 2021 5G was on the lips of almost every speaker and attendee at MWC Barcelona, but evidence of what the technology has done in a meaningful way for any person or organization to date remains lacking. The world’s first mobile 5G networks were deployed two years ago and everyone in the industry...
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CISA, in coordination with the National Security Agency, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, as part of the Enduring Security Framework (ESF)—a cross-sector, public-private working group—released a Potential Threat Vectors to 5G Infrastructure paper. This paper identifies and assesses risks and vulnerabilities introduced by 5G. The ESF 5G Threat Model Working Panel, a subgroup...
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Source https://news.usni.org/2021/05/05/report-to-congress-on-national-security-implications-of-5g-technology May 5, 2021 The following is the April 23, 2021 Congressional Research Service In Focus report, National Security Implications of Fifth Generation (5G) Mobile Technologies. From the report National Security Concerns According to a DIB assessment, China is the current leader in sub-6 technologies and is likely to deploy the world’s first 5G...
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Bakardjieva Engelbrekt A, Leijon K, Michalski A, et al. What Does the Technological Shift Have in Store for the EU? Opportunities and Pitfalls for European Societies The European Union and the Technology Shift. 2021 Feb:1-25. Abstract This introductory chapter sheds light on the opportunities and challenges that the digital era has in store for the...
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Security and privacy still left to fix, preferably before launch Thomas Claburn in San Francisco Wed 31 Mar 2021 https://www.theregister.com/2021/03/31/wifi_devices_monitoring/ In three years or so, the Wi-Fi specification is scheduled to get an upgrade that will turn wireless devices into sensors capable of gathering data about the people and objects bathed in their signals. “When 802.11bf will be finalized...
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