
Security Cameras
MASS SURVEILLANCE, PART ONE Source: Daily Maverick https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-09-08-heres-how-johannesburg-security-cameras-track-you/ By Heidi Swart • 8 September 2021 Vumacam is a security company with a rapidly expanding surveillance camera network across Joburg. This includes more than 2,000 automatic licence plate recognition (ALPR) cameras recording the registration number of every passing vehicle — at a rate of 9.68 million per...
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Vumatel has started rolling out fibre-to-the-home broadband in Mitchell’s Plain, Cape Town. A Trojan Horse? The Lobby Group Right2Know has crossed swords with Vumatel subsidiary, Vumacam, over the legality of its roll-out of more than 15,000 surveillance cameras on the Vumatel fibre network in Johannesburg. Some have complained that the CCTV cameras, which serve private companies...
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