
Schwann cells
Science  16 Aug 2019: Vol. 365, Issue 6454, pp. 695-699 DOI: 10.1126/science.aax6452 A newly discovered cell type for pain perception Pain has been thought to be initiated by activation of free nerve endings without end organs in the skin. In contrast to this paradigm, Abdo et al. discovered a previously unknown meshlike organ covering the skin that senses...
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“More Than a Coincidence” Microwave News http://microwavenews.com/news-center/more-coincidence New Large Animal Study, Like NTP’s, Links RF to Schwannoma of the Heart February 20, 2018 It’s happened again. A second large study has found tumors in the Schwann cells —schwannomas— in the hearts of male rats exposed to cell phone radiation. The new finding comes from the...
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