
GrassrootsEnvEd Published on May 9, 2019 David Carpenter, M. D., professor and former Dean of the University at Albany School of Public Health, discusses wireless radiation and its impact on public health, particularly children. This is an edited version of a longer presentation made in April, 2019 in Shrewsbury, MA.
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March 2019 expert forum on “Microwave Radiation in Our Schools” on YouTube. Ask your TV station to air it.  
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Our MARCH 2019 NEWSLETTER can be viewed at this link: https://mailchi.mp/ee976f9904ad/emf-news Image Credit Roman Kraft on Unsplash To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please click on the link below. Social media pages (via a hardwired computer to reduce RF exposure), f.lux installed to reduce blue light exposure. EMFSA   https://www.facebook.com/EMFSouthAfrica/ Electro Magnetic Radiation Are You Safe South Africa https://www.facebook.com/emrareusafeSA/...
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Source: https://www.oviedo.es/-/las-concejalias-de-medio-ambiente-y-educacion-lanzan-una-campana-para-sensibilizar-a-los-escolares-sobre-la-contaminacion-electromagnetica March 18, 2019 Excerpts (translated from Spanish): The Department of Urbanism and Environment of the City of Oviedo (through the Municipal School of Sustainability) and Department of Education (through the Municipal School of Health) in collaboration with the Platform Against Electromagnetic Pollution (PECCEM), will develop several activities to raise awareness of the health...
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Parents in Ripon have been fighting for a Sprint cell tower to come down for roughly two years. Kellie Prime and Monica Ferrulli have been fighting for the removal since their sons, Kyle and Mason, were diagnosed with cancer. The cell tower outside of their sons’ former school, Weston Elementary, will soon be moved. “It’s been...
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Credit for this post: Chatsworth Rising Sun, Journalist Yoshini Perumal https://risingsunchatsworth.co.za/131228/protest-leads-removal-cell-mast-school/ The mast was taken down following the protest. Residents of Arena Park mobilised and marched to Crestview Primary School on Human Rights Day after receiving messages that the cell mast, which was initially objected to, was reinstalled. According to Chatsworth Community Policing Forum chairman, Jakes Singh,...
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NB  Objections must be in by 1st of April 2019  (See the “Objections’ pdf * by EMFSA towards the bottom of the page) The COCT is well aware that the cell tower issue is a very problematic one for many communities and individuals. We fail to understand why it was lumped together with other proposed...
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SEOUL, Feb. 18 (Korea Bizwire) http://koreabizwire.com/s-korea-to-provide-information-services-on-electromagnetic-waves/132720?fbclid=IwAR0CV7Y8RRtBoyj59SEAzfZBq1tvL4392w_s210oQ2Dh8ryYl3Q9Y4UGzNE The South Korean government has decided to measure the levels of electromagnetic waves generated by portable fans and electronic cigarettes and disclose the results. The decision comes at a point where consumers have been facing constant difficulties accessing information about the level of electromagnetic waves being generated by these...
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Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash The increasingly wide spread use of WiFi across business and government (especially in schools) is a move that goes against the rapidly mounting body of credible scientific evidence which makes increasingly clear that exposure to even low levels of WiFi on an ongoing basis has a wide range of serious adverse health effects....
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Credit for this post: Maurizio Martucci https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2019/01/28/a-firenze-il-tribunale-fa-spegnere-il-wifi-a-scuola-un-atto-straordinariamente-innovativo/4916086/?fbclid=IwAR13yCVOD08krcMoB4Y8UjqgveEfPFEbova2TmqFDy4Fd24TmUcfwLMMI-0 January 28, 2019 Firstly an Italian court ordered the government (Ministries of the Environment and Education) to launch a campaign to advise the public of the health risks from mobile and cordless phones. https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2019/01/16/cellulari-tar-del-lazio-obbliga-i-ministeri-a-fare-informazione-su-rischi-connessi-al-loro-uso-campagna-entro-6-mesi/4901357/ And now the Court of Florence has ordered the immediate shutdown of Wi-Fi in a...
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