
Source: https://www.totaltele.com/509509/Huawei-and-China-Mobile-may-look-to-the-stars-for-6G By Harry Baldock, Total TelecomFriday 30 April 21 According to a report, the two Chinese companies have plans to launch a pair of 6G test satellites later this year While 5G is undoubtedly the major focus for almost all mobile operators and related equipment vendors around the world today – and surely will be...
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Source https://www.lightreading.com/5g/dishs-5g-ambitions-for-12ghz-face-setback/d/d-id/769076 News Analysis MIKE DANO, Editorial Director, 5G & Mobile Strategies 4/27/2021 The FCC approved a request by SpaceX’s Starlink to make changes to its constellation of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. The ruling represents a setback to Starlink competitors like Viasat and Amazon that had argued against the changes, as well as a...
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April 27, 2021 Source: https://www.reuters.com/technology/fcc-votes-approve-spacex-satellite-plan-official-2021-04-27/ Reuters, David Shepardson The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said on Tuesday it had voted to approve a SpaceX plan to deploy Starlink satellites at a lower earth orbit as part of the company’s push to offer space-based broadband internet service. The decision, which Reuters reported earlier on Tuesday, includes...
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Source: https://spacenews.com/china-is-developing-plans-for-a-13000-satellite-communications-megaconstellation/ by Andrew Jones — April 21, 2021 HELSINKI — China is to oversee the construction and operation of a national satellite internet megaconstellation through coordinating the country’s major space actors.  Recent comments by senior officials indicate that plans are moving ahead to alter earlier constellation plans by space sector state-owned enterprises and possibly make these part...
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Image: Satellite in orbit, NASA Unsplash.com Join us on Sunday, April 25th, for our free monthly webinar. Topic: Satellites Presenter: James Lech. Mr. Lech is a PhD candidate, multidisciplinary researcher and the recipient of numerous local and international awards. Time: 3pm – 4pm (SAST) Kindly contact us at https://www.emfsa.co.za/contact/ for the link to attend
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[Submitted on 12 Apr 2021] This document provides recommendations to the Government of Canada and the Canadian Space Agency in response to their call for feedback on the future of Canadian space exploration. The report focuses on how the construction and long-term placement of mega-constellations of satellites into Earth orbit will affect astronomy and the...
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Future space-based 5G global network would enable users to switch between satellite and terrestrial networks to eliminate the need for several devices. Source: https://www.militaryaerospace.com/communications/article/14201123/5g-network-military Apr 13th, 2021 CITY, state – Lockheed Martin and Omnispace are teaming to develop the enabling technologies to deliver 5G connectivity on a global scale. New Atlas reports. Continue reading original article The Military &...
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Source: Breaking Defense https://breakingdefense.com/2021/04/asterx-2021-french-space-forces-reach-for-higher-orbit/ The French military is moving apace in keeping with Paris’s determination to, at a minimum, keep its rank as the third international space power in an increasingly large and competitive club of nations. By  MURIELLE DELAPORTE on April 09, 2021 PARIS: France led its first multinational military space exercise last month,...
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‘Red alerts’ of a potential disaster were sent to the companies By Joey Roulette  Apr 9, 2021 https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/9/22374262/oneweb-spacex-satellites-dodged-potential-collision-orbit-space-force Two satellites from the fast-growing constellations of OneWeb and SpaceX’s Starlink dodged a dangerously close approach with one another in orbit last weekend, representatives from the US Space Force and OneWeb said. It’s the first known collision avoidance event...
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04/08/2021 Source: ANFR https://www.anfr.fr/toutes-les-actualites/actualites/les-constellations-de-satellites-de-telecommunications-des-origines-a-nos-jours/ (Auto-translated from French) In the field of radiocommunications, engineers have always favored high points to install transmitters and receivers: going upwards allows very wide areas to be covered and thus reduces deployment costs. The conquest of space has created the possibility of placing transceivers on artificial satellites that fly over the Earth...
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