
JULY 01, 2021  SEASON 1 EPISODE 6 Listen to the podcast at https://www.buzzsprout.com/1775212/8794454 Show notes The human race is making another mess – this time it’s in orbit. Broadcaster Kim McAllister and space expert Dr Murray Collins discuss the issue of space junk with experts whose work is suffering and with the entrepreneurs who are trying to solve the problem. Andy...
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Jun 30, 2021 Andy Lawrence This is a short promotional video for “Losing The Sky”, a short non-technical book about the threat to the sky from satellite mega-constellations. You can find the book at Amazon, Apple Books, and Google Play Books. To see a bit more about what the book is all about, go to...
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Astronomical Society of Edinburgh Live public discussion with Andy Lawrence, Brian Eno, Catherine Heymans, Mark McCaughrean from ESA, Amy Mehlman from Viasat, and many others. Read Andy Lawrence’s book about this subject: “Losing the Sky”. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Losing-Sky-A… Thousands of satellites are now being launched into Low Earth Orbit in “mega-constellations” to give us high speed internet...
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The new Great Pacific Garbage Patch – space, the final frontier of waste. The problem of junk in lower earth orbit and what we do about it. https://t.co/Wu8ICYV8ne— Vicky Allan (@vicky_allan) June 4, 2021 THE news that a piece of space junk collided with the robotic arm on the International Space Station, is an alarming reminder that...
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Source: Space News https://spacenews.com/dod-agencies-to-invest-more-than-1-billion-in-low-earth-orbit-space-technology/ by Sandra Erwin — May 30, 2021 Technologies developed by SDA, MDA and DARPA are expected to transition into larger Space Force programs WASHINGTON — The Biden administration’s defense budget proposal for fiscal year 2022 seeks more than $1.2 billion  for military space systems in low-Earth orbit.  According to budget documents released May 28, nearly...
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Photo by Q.U.I on Unsplash “There is little recognition that Earth’s orbit is a finite resource, the space and Earth environments are connected, and the actions of one actor can affect everyone.” Published: 20 May 2021 Boley, A.C., Byers, M. Satellite mega-constellations create risks in Low Earth Orbit, the atmosphere and on Earth. Sci Rep 11, 10642 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89909-7 Photo by...
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Viasat asks FCC to halt @SpaceX Starlink launches while it seeks court ruling – SpaceNews https://t.co/mWw8C7rVd3— SpaceNews (@SpaceNews_Inc) May 25, 2021 by Jason Rainbow — May 25, 2021 TAMPA, Fla. — Satellite operator Viasat is asking the FCC to stop SpaceX from launching more Starlink satellites as it heads to court to compel a thorough environmental review of...
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Boley, A.C., Byers, M. Satellite mega-constellations create risks in Low Earth Orbit, the atmosphere and on Earth. Sci Rep 11, 10642 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-89909-7 Abstract The rapid development of mega-constellations risks multiple tragedies of the commons, including tragedies to ground-based astronomy, Earth orbit, and Earth’s upper atmosphere. Moreover, the connections between the Earth and space environments are inadequately taken...
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SpaceX launches Starlink rideshare mission as constellation deployment milestone nears Written by Lee Kanayama & Joseph Navin May 15, 2021 SpaceX launched its third Starlink mission in just 11 days on the v1.0 L26 flight. The mission brings the total number of operational Starlink v1.0 satellites launched to near 1,567 – just shy of the 1,584 needed...
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