
Safer Technology
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106324 9. Discussion and conclusion The breadth of peer-reviewed scientific research demonstrating biological effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) below current guidelines and standards highlights the need to further develop and codify pertinent building technology standards and guidance. Public health risks, accessibility needs, industrial liability and international precautionary actions indicate that RFR is an important performance parameter...
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We applaud Specsavers for bringing attention to this very important public health issue. We hope that other companies will follow their example. Their recommendations as in applying the Precautionary Principle and the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) Principle are sound and we agree. Link to the article: https://www.specsavers.co.za/post/health-and-wellbeign/cell-phone-radiation-is-my-device-affecting-m?utm_source=sssa&utm_medium=email&utm_content=may&utm_campaign=newsletter&utm_source=Spec-Savers+South+Africa&utm_campaign=0d4b9b2611-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_05_31_01_36_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b588b20efd-0d4b9b2611-76382197 Note from EMFSA: For more information on...
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This set of videos includes the full two-hour presentation provided by Shrewsbury Media Connection, as well as individual speaker videos provided by Grass Roots Environmental Education. We are grateful to both for giving us their time to help promote safe technology, especially for our children. Speaker slides can be accessed here: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx1bmRlcnN0YW5kaW5nZW1mc3xneDo0NTkwMGNiMzBiOWRjMTBi      
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March 2019 expert forum on “Microwave Radiation in Our Schools” on YouTube. Ask your TV station to air it.  
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Source: : https://sites.google.com/site/understandingemfs/ma-emf-bills
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Statements from individuals and organizations: “Our public health guidance has not been keeping pace with our newest evolutions of telecommunication technologies.   And yet the health science regarding cellular technologies suggests the need for caution.  A very first step would be to apply the California State Health Department Cell Phone Guidelines, particularly in settings where there...
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Magda Havas  is an Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Natural Resources at the  University of Trent, Canada.  
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Contributed by Mikko Ahonen, PHD France [1] and Russia [2] have current laws to minimise Wi-Fi exposure to children in schools. These two countries have the world’s longest research history on health effect of microwaves, both over 100 years. 1. Too many devices for long periods of time = chronic exposure Much of the research...
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