
Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies are a game changer in how they will fundamentally alter the way people live, work, and relate to one another. While there is general positive sentiment towards the benefits of 4IR technologies, the idea that robots may take the jobs of workers has raised concerns in South Africa for those...
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Source: Defense One https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2021/04/army-explores-equipping-robots-living-muscle-tissue/173559/ BY BRANDI VINCENT, STAFF CORRESPONDENT, APRIL 22, 2021 A scientist from the Army Research Lab gave a glimpse into its early work with biohybrid robotics. Looking to pave the way for the production of nimble robots that can move more like living creatures than bulky androids, Army Research Laboratory scientists are...
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Yaacoub JA, Noura HN, Salman O, Chehab A. Robotics cyber security: vulnerabilities, attacks, countermeasures, and recommendations. International Journal of Information Security. 2021 Mar:1-44. DOI: 10.1007/s10207-021-00545-8. Abstract The recent digital revolution led robots to become integrated more than ever into different domains such as agricultural, medical, industrial, military, police (law enforcement), and logistics. Robots are devoted...
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Source: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/robots-in-schools–new-teaching-methods-on-the-horizon-/46410282 The pandemic is forcing us to rethink everything, even how we teach. What if robots are the future of education? This content was published on March 1, 2021 – 15:39 Sara Ibrahim Christian Raaflaub Thymio, Lexi, Elias, Pepper, Nao, Anastasia, Kaspar: they could be your child’s new classmates. They are diligent but not competitive, they...
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New technologies and organizations will give soldiers an edge, Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe said, but tanks and foot troops will still face brutal close combat. Source: https://breakingdefense.com/2020/11/army-wants-smaller-brigades-stronger-divisions-lots-of-robots/ By  SYDNEY J. FREEDBERG JR.on November 06, 2020 WASHINGTON: The Army wants the first casualty of the next war to be a robot, not a human being. But no...
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Source: https://www.professionalsecurity.co.uk/news/interviews/5g-question/ INTERVIEWS 5G question 14TH SEPTEMBER 2020 Can 5G make organisations more vulnerable to cyber-attacks? asks Ronen Shpirer, Director of Solutions Marketing at the cyber company Fortinet. The roll-out of the 5G mobile network will offer the potential for download speeds of up to ten times faster than today’s, promising to change how we communicate,...
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Nov 22, 2019 | Original story from Stanford University Artificial intelligence has moved into the commercial mainstream thanks to the growing prowess of machine learning algorithms that enable computers to train themselves to do things like drive cars, control robots or automate decision-making. But as AI starts handling sensitive tasks, such as helping pick which prisoners...
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Friday 22 November, 2019 International Treaty Conference Identifies Spectrum to Make Innovative 5G Services a Reality for Consumers and Industry Globally London: The GSMA today welcomed the international spectrum treaty adopted by the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), which will unlock the potential for game-changing 5G services around the world. The conference, which has just...
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Article by Molly Callahan November 15, 2019 Snippet: In 2018, a Russian state-run news agency announced that Russian forces had deployed a remote-controlled robotic tank to Syria. Despite all this, Haner and Garcia found that there is little oversight or regulation when it comes to developing autonomous weapons, and even less public discourse about it. “These things are happening...
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