
By Annelie Fitzgerald:  TruePublica recently ran a piece highlighting the most censored stories in Britain. One story that never made it into the mainstream media or even any independent media outlets in the UK at the time was the disbanding of the UK Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation (AGNIR) in May 2017. This followed the revelation...
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Bratisl Lek Listy. 2018;119(9):588-592. doi: 10.4149/BLL_2018_106 Abstract OBJECTIVE: Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) may induce DNA damage and oxidative stress in human lens epithelial cells (LECs). We aimed to investigate the expression levels of heat shock protein 27 (Hsp27), p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and caspase-3 gene expression levels in rat...
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Researchers at the California Department of Health say using cell phones in areas with weak reception can result in microwave radiation emissions that are 10,000 times higher than in areas with strong reception. The study, made public this week, is being published in the journal Environmental Research, and it suggests consumers should take extra precautions...
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Environ Int. 2018 Sep 15;121(Pt 1):297-307. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.08.064. [Epub ahead of print] Abstract Background Everyday exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) emitted from wireless devices such as mobile phones and base stations, radio and television transmitters is ubiquitous. Some people attribute non-specific physical symptoms (NSPS) such as headache and fatigue to exposure to RF-EMF. Most...
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Brendan J. Houston1, 2, Brett Nixon1, 2, Bruce V. King2, R J. Aitken1, 2 and Geoffry N. De Iuliis1, 2* 1School of Environmental and Life Sciences, Discipline of Biological Sciences, University of Newcastle, Australia 2School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Newcastle, Australia Original Research ARTICLE Provisionally accepted The full-text will be published soon....
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 Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH)News Detail  https://www.swisstph.ch/en/news/news-detail/news/mobile-phone-radiation-may-affect-memory-performance-in-adolescents/ 19.07.2018 Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields may have adverse effects on the development of memory performance of specific brain regions exposed during mobile phone use. These are the findings of a study involving nearly 700 adolescents in Switzerland. The investigation, led by the Swiss Tropical and Public...
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  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0013935118302561 Highlights More cell phone radiation is absorbed by children’s inner brain tissues than adults’. -Children’s radiofrequency radiation exposure should be reduced. -Further research to evaluate the risks to the eye from use of VR is urgently needed. -It is biologically relevant and feasible to reduce the standards’ averaging volume. -Current methods to determine...
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Redmayne M. International policy and advisory response regarding children’s exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF). Electromagn Biol Med. 2016;35(2):176-85. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1038832. Epub 2015 Jun 19. PMID: 26091083. Abstract Radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure regulations/guidelines generally only consider acute effects, and not chronic, low exposures. Concerns for children’s exposure are warranted due to the amazingly...
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We refer to the folowing study: Comparison of radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure levels in different everyday microenvironments in an international context. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016041201731485X Supplemental Material: http://bit.ly/6nationsupplement The aim of this study was to quantify RF-EMF exposure applying a tested protocol of RF-EMF exposure measurements using portable devices with a high sampling rate in different microenvironments of Switzerland,...
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Johansson O, Redmayne M. Exacerbation of demyelinating syndrome after exposure to wireless modem with public hotspot. Electromagn Biol Med. 2016;35(4):393-7. doi: 10.3109/15368378.2015.1107839. Epub 2016 Jun 29. PMID: 27355805. Abstract In August 2003, 48-year-old JS of Colorado, USA, a fitness therapist and sports nutritionist, contracted neuroinvasive West Nile virus which left her with disabilities due to...
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