
RF Animal Studies
#NTPtox senior scientist John Bucher, Ph.D., retired in April after nearly four decades at the institute. His scientific achievements, innovative thinking, and mentorship will leave a lasting influence, according to colleagues. https://t.co/8PjTc7Q70P pic.twitter.com/BZyquwrhbi— NIEHS (@NIEHS) May 24, 2021 NIEHS News Environmental Factor May 2021 During almost four decades at the institute, he brought innovation to...
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Re-posted from: https://microwavenews.com/news-center/ntp-turns-search-mechanisms?fbclid=IwAR2WTm8mY7tcuHzPLXcj7YDJvjeImLufcshES1H9P5Vl6CSNCL1JZyirq7s September 17, 2019 The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) will soon embark on a new phase of its long-running RF project. Last year, the NTP concluded that RF radiation causes cancer; now it will begin a systematic search for mechanisms to explain how and why the tumors developed. Work is expected to begin by...
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