
Date:  April 15, 2021 Author: Lost Thread Lost Thread is journalistically edited and registered with the Press Board. Stock Photo : Ingo Joseph ( Pexels.com ) (Auto translated from Danish) NEWS / ABROAD:  For years, German professor Alexander Lerchl was behind false accusations that crucial research on mobile phone radiation had been falsified, and in December 2020, he was...
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Source: Microwave News https://microwavenews.com/news-center/german-court-moves-silence-critic-rf-dna-breaks Alexander Lerchl’s Unfounded Claims of Fabricated Data from Vienna Lab13-Year Campaign of Disinformation February 8, 2021 A German court of appeals has ordered Alexander Lerchl to stop smearing the authors of two papers which show that mobile phone radiation can break DNA and possibly cause cancer. For more than a decade, Lerchl, a...
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Source: https://beingelectrosensitive.blogspot.com/2021/01/5g-scientist-prof-alexander-lerchl.html Professor Alexander Lerchl, who is leading a study examining the effects of 5G on human cells (funded by the German Federal Office for Radiation Protection), has been found guilty by the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Bremen of disseminating false allegations about the results of the 2004 REFLEX EMF study. Professor Lerchl has to bear the...
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