
  Source: https://www.huawei.com/za/press-events/news/za/rain-launches-intelligent-5g-transport-network [Johannesburg, South Africa, November 27, 2019] South African mobile data network operator, Rain has launched its intelligent 5G transport network in partnership with Huawei. Transport networks can be thought of as the “neural networks” that connect core networks to services. Rain’s CTO Gustav Schoeman says, “With Huawei’s E2E solutions and new products,...
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  Rain’s big plans to expand its 5G network Source: https://mybroadband.co.za/news/cellular/322452-rains-big-plans-to-expand-its-5g-network.html Jamie McKane 7 October 2019 Excerpt: Rain CEO Willem Roos: “Currently Rain has 3,200 4G sites, and we have 250 5G sites.  By the end of 2020, Rain plans to have 5,000 4G sites and 700 5G sites in South Africa. Our initial 5G network of...
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High-demand radio frequency spectrum: Cabinet has approved the text of the long-awaited spectrum policy direction: https://www.greengazette.co.za/notices/electronic-communications-act-36-2005-lifting-of-the-moratorium-of-the-moratorium-on-community-sound-broadcasting-licence-applications_20190726-GGN-42599-00397 B. Cabinet decisions    1. Policy and Policy Direction for the Licensing of the High Demand Spectrum 1.1. Cabinet approved the Policy and Policy Direction for the Licensing of the High Demand Spectrum after extensive consultations with the sector and the...
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Vodacom and MTN are still waiting on ICASA to assign radio frequency spectrum for 5G networks. Rain is the only company in South Africa to have launched its 5G commercial network ( February 2019). In the first phase of Rain’s 5G roll out, Rain has deployed 20 new base stations in Johannesburg and Cape Town, covering...
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Rain is rolling out a 5G network in Johannesburg and Cape Town in partnership with Huawei and Nokia. MyBroadband asked to test Rain’s new 5G network, but CEO Willem Roos explained : –It is “not in a position to give access to test the network at this stage“. -‘There are no commercially-available 5G routers and...
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Rain says that full commercial rollout is only planned for mid-2019 but that its 5G network is actually already live in Johannesburg at the moment.  1,000 5G sites in major cities in the next two years Rain’s chief strategy officer, Brandon Leigh explained at the announcement in Barcelona: “We have been live since November in...
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