
By Marc Arazi, Published: October 20, 2017 George Carlo: “I had the pleasure of meeting with Dr Arazi here today here in Paris to discuss his findings in the Phonegate project.This is critically important for everyone using cell phones because we have evidence that phones that are used every day violate the safety standards that...
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Irradiated: A Comprehensive Compilation and Analysis of the Literature on Radiofrequency Fields and the Negative Biological Impacts of Non- ionizing  Electromagnetic Fields (particularly radiofrequency fields) on Biological Organisms.   To download the electronic version of this publication, click below: Irradiated Further Resources You may also download a ready-to-print PDF containing many of the documents used...
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Scientists from the National Toxicology Program presented their data on the genotoxicity of cell phone radiation in rats and mice at the annual meeting of the Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society held in Raleigh, North Carolina from September 9-13, 2017. Male and female rats and mice were exposed to 2G cell phone radiation, either CDMA...
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Mortazavi SMJ, Mortazavi SAR, Paknahad M. Cancers of the Brain and CNS: Global Patterns and Trends in Incidence. J Biomed Phys Eng. 2018;8(1):151-152. Published 2018 Mar 1. Correspondence “Cancers of the brain and CNS: global patterns and trends in incidence” Published on April 13, 2017 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/correspondence-cancers-brain-cns-global-patterns-trends-smj-mortazavi SMJ Mortazavi Medical Physicist, Visiting Scientist, Fox Chase Cancer Center,...
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No radiating gifts under the Christmas tree diagnose-funk.org, December 2016 (Google translation) The medical chamber calls for mobile-free zones and times Especially the Advent and Christmas season is a welcome opportunity to enjoy the mobile phone-free zones and times called for by the Vienna Medical Association and revert to personal communication, especially with parents: Piero...
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Doctors against an increase in limit values In the vote of 8 December 2016, the Council of States voted against the motion to increase limit values ​​for mobile phone antennas, with 20 to 19 votes and 3 abstentions. In order to ensure the implementation of motion 163007 “Ensure modernization of mobile radio networks as quickly...
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Leszczynski to speak at the EMF conference in Warsaw, Poland. As I wrote earlier, Polish government prepares act on protection of population from the radiation emitted by mobile base stations. Minister of Digitization expects (optimistically) the act to be ready by the end of 2016. As part of the process, science on EMF and health...
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Following is a summary of this segment by the Editor of “Towards Better Health”. Anne Sophie Lapix, presenter of the program, refers to Prof. Belpomme’s newest book, “Comment naissent les maladies” [how do diseases arise?] where he says 70-90% of cancers are linked to the environment. Prof. Belpomme replies that especially now, there is molecular...
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