
Public Health
TRENTON – Assemblyman Jamel Holley (D-20thDist.) is calling for the creation of a state commission to study the many unknown health effects of the next generation of wireless technologies, which are steadily expanding throughout New Jersey. https://www.tapinto.net/sections/other-nj-news/articles/holley-calls-for-commission-to-study-5g-safety?fbclid=IwAR1hLHRqOCEhvz8UjqBntxAYxyaBn8hgAWyTS2DdTtXiPr2jt31F2LnTdhA Holley: “My constituents have expressed some deep concerns about the potential health impacts of these antennas, especially in high-density...
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The role of the GSMA: •The GSMA represents the mobile industry to governments and institutions where it advocates policy and regulatory positions on behalf of its members. Its stated goals in this area is to ensure that mobile telecoms “policy and regulatory frameworks are fair, flexible and future-proof”; that radio spectrum is made available for...
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The ORSAA executive team has again published in the Journal of Radiation Protection in Australasia with a few collaborating scientists/medical doctors from New Zealand. This letter is specifically addressing 5G. Bandara, Priyanka & Mccredden, Julie & May, Murray & Leach, Victor & Weller, Steve. (2020). Serious Safety Concerns about 5G Wireless Deployment in Australia and...
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Source: https://www.cpomagazine.com/cyber-security/new-survey-of-consumer-sentiments-reveals-sharp-demographic-divisions-in-5g-technology-acceptance/ Given that about 81% of Americans now own smartphones and that more than half will only access the internet via mobile connections by 2025, one might assume that 5G technology would be strongly supported and embraced in the United States. A new study of consumer sentiments paints a more complicated picture. Though there is widespread awareness of...
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Quite often, people who have recently joined up the dots and linked exposure to EMFs to their symptoms – in other words, people who have realised that they are ‘electrosensitive’ – try to get their heads around what has happened to them, and why. I know that I did. A dawning awareness of the harmful...
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Thursday 28 May 2020 | 11:01 CET | News A group of 500 environmental campaigners has started legal proceedings against France’s four mobile networks, reports Capital. The court action aims to enforce the application of the precautionary principle to the deployment of 5G services. In practice, this requires an assessment of the possible risks that 5G...
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Image: Unsplash.com 11 Finnish medical doctors have started a petition demanding the halt of 5G technology. They also suggest that the Finnish government starts to prepare for a new radiation legislation based on biological effects and the precautionary principle. The petition is to be sent to the Finnish parlament if a sufficient number of citizens...
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Ericsson Annual Report 2019: p.131, Source https://www.ericsson.com/495c1f/assets/local/investors/documents/2019/ericsson-annual-report-2019-en.pdf Excerpt:
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Frank Barnes, Ben Greenebaum First published:20 April 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/bem.22267 Grant sponsors: DARPA, grant number: HR000111810006; Milheim Foundation. Conflicts of interest: None. [Correction added on 22 Apr 2020, after first online publication: removed part of sentence referring to 4 W/m2]. Abstract Current limits for exposures to nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) are set, based on relatively short‐term exposures....
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Stein Y, Udasin IG. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS, microwave syndrome) – Review of mechanisms. Environ Res. 2020 Jul;186:109445. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109445. Epub 2020 Mar 30. PMID: 32289567. Abstract Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), known in the past as “Microwave syndrome”, is a clinical syndrome characterized by the presence of a wide spectrum of non-specific multiple organ symptoms, typically including...
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