
Public Health
Merikanto I, Partonen T. Increase in eveningness and insufficient sleep among adults in population-based cross-sections from 2007 to 2017. Sleep Med. 2020 Aug 19;75:368-379. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2020.07.046. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32950882. Abstract Objectives: Short or long sleep duration, insufficient sleep, and Evening chronotype associate with many health issues and increased risk for mortality. Understanding population-level...
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5G and health Ongoing activity – The House of Representatives sent a request for advice to the Health Council to issue advice on possible health risks in relation to 5G based on current scientific insights. The influence of electromagnetic fields and radiation on health is of great interest, among other things due to the advance of...
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July 2020 A summary of the responses to the consultation and the Government’s response Excerpt 20.PHE is familiar with the evidence submitted to the consultation about possible risks to public health and considers that its advice, as set out below, remains unchanged. 21.PHE updated its guidance, published in October 2019, in respect of 5G in...
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Charles Bremner, Paris, Wednesday July 22 2020 French mayors have called for a halt to the construction of 5G mobile masts until health risks can be assessed. The Green mayors of Bordeaux, Nantes, Grenoble and other big cities have joined a revolt against the technology amid fears of dangerous radio waves and damage to the...
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Source: https://www.dataweek.co.za/10678r?utm_source=newsbrief&utm_medium=newsbrief 30 June 2020 By Prof. Johan Meyer, D.Eng: Electrical and Electronics. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, with all the opportunities it brings, is arguably driven forward by the ability it gives us of being connected. Any opportunity comes with its own set of associated challenges and the Fourth Industrial Revolution will not be spared....
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Oncol Lett. 2019 Nov; 18(5): 5383–5391.Published online 2019 Sep 20. doi: 10.3892/ol.2019.10899 PMCID: PMC6781513 PMID: 31612047 Abstract Radiofrequency (RF) radiation in the frequency range of 30–300 GHz has, since 2011, been classified as a ‘possible’ human carcinogen by Group 2B, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) at WHO. This was based on a number of human epidemiology studies...
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Theodora Scarato, ExecDir @saferphones asked @EPA what the agency is doing on #RF. Short answer. Nothing. Here's an excerpt from Scarato's Q&A with Lee Veal, the director of EPA's Radiation Protection Division.1/3 pic.twitter.com/DAnnL3TVP9— Microwave News (@MicrowaveNews) July 10, 2020 EPA’s last RF health review was in 1984, Veal wrote. It was a step toward a...
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Re-posted from https://betweenrockandhardplace.wordpress.com/2020/07/02/no-sufficient-health-research-on-5g-but-  July 2, 2020 WE KNOW THAT WE DON’T KNOW BUT… UNDER DICTATE FROM TELECOMS AND ICNIRP, GOVERNMENTS DEPLOY 5G WITHOUT PRE-MARKET TESTING AND WITHOUT SETTING RESEARCH AGENDA ON 5G AND HEALTH. Excerpt: Waldemar Kraska, Secretary of State: 1. there is no research on whether 5G will affect life and health of Poles...
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Wednesday, June 24, 2020 Although no research has been published on the bioeffects or health effects from exposure to 5G radiation, the IEEE Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) has published an “expert statement” in the journal Health Physics that claims “(w)ithin current exposure limits, there appears to be little or no risk of adverse health effects related...
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