
Public Health
Re-posted from: At a meeting in Paris on 17 April 2019 Eric van Rongen, the present ICNIRP chairman presented a draft on new ICNIRP guidelines for radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure. The presentation is freely available at the web although labeled as a ’draft – do not cite or quote’. Most remarkable is that the science on health effects...
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Following are links to two briefs from a lawsuit filed against the FCC by Montgomery County, Maryland. The suit focuses on flaws in the FCC radiofrequency (RF) exposure limits pertinent to small cells and 5G. The exposure limits were adopted by the FCC in 1996 and were designed to protect humans only from short-term thermal...
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Criminal complaint against the Finnish manufacturer HMD Global OY and the launch of a a new class action against 6 Nokia models.  These actions can also be carried out at a European and international level, so do not hesitate to talk to lawyers concerned by the health issues related to mobile telephones. https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/press-release-phonegate-scandal-a-criminal-complaint-against-hmd-global-oy-nokia After XIAOMI,...
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Source: https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/international-phonegate-scandal-all-overexposed-all-deceived-all-endangered-by-our-mobile-phones?fbclid=IwAR2bVmh4odQOaP34z41sQH8OoL6c5vyKmujoJo6asrcM3Ux4k8_i7i5N9kM The medical conference held on Saturday 8 June 2019 provided the first opportunity to discuss in England about the Phonegate case and its industrial and health consequences. We would like to warmly thank Dr. Erica Mallery Blythe, President of PHYRE, for her invitation and support that made this event possible in the UK. It was...
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A video by Olga Sheean with an accompanying document: Published on Jun 5, 2019  
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ecoRI News: Published on May 28, 2019 Sen. Elaine Morgan, R-Charlestown, is concerned about the health risks associated with the local, state, and nationwide rollout of the wireless hardware and the potentially harmful exposure to electromagnetic radiation. May 23, 2019 meeting at the Rhode Island Statehouse. Video by ecoRI News. Morgan hosted Dr. Annie Sasco,...
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By Olle Johansson, former head of The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, and former adjunct professor of The Royal Institute of Technology, also Stockholm, Sweden, now retired and leading The Institute of Common Sense for Common Sense, Utö/Stockholm, Sweden. Olle Johansson KI – Photo: NASMS, A. McDowell The collective evidence...
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The British Computer Society is a professional body and a learned society that represents those working in Information Technology and Computer Science, both in the United Kingdom and internationally. It has 82,000 members in 151 countries. Source: Wikipedia As 5G technologies emerge, over 200 eminent scientists worldwide have expressed concerns that 5G will have a devastating...
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FOR THE SAFER USE OF TECHNOLOGY Our May 2109 Newsletter can be viewed at: https://mailchi.mp/311da9fd8129/emf-news   Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash      
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ORSAA 28 May Newsletter Julie McCredden, Steven Weller & Victor Leach in Australia talking about upcoming 5G Health Symposium on 7th July: https://www.facebook.com/groups/STOP5GGlobal/permalink/2299995236934513?sfns=mo The 7th July is an all day symposium and will allow for a short question and answer session at the end of each talk and a forum discussion at the end. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/5g-healthsymposium-brisbane-with-barrister-ray-broomhall-steve-weller-paul-seils-co-tickets-61868577581 Although ORSAA...
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