
Public Health
In an article by Tim Diacono (September 18, 2019 in Lovin Malta), Prof. Charmaine Gauci is quoted. She is the Superintendent of Public Health. Prof. Charmaine Gauci: ‘More health studies are needed before Malta introduces 5G technology”. In comments to Lovin Malta about the technology, Prof. Charmaine Gauci cited the World Health Organisation and the Scientific Committee...
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Slides of the  presentation are available in pdf format: https://betweenrockandhardplace.files.wordpress.com/2019/09/australia-september-15-2019-cell-phone-radiation-and-health-gaps-in-the-knowledge.pdf  
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Re-posted from ‘Between A Rock and a Hard Place” – A Science Blog on Radiation and Health by Dariusz Leszczynski In August 2019, the  Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF), formerly known as MMF,  published a graphic illustration of what is known about potential effects of millimeter waves on human health. Here, the link to the original MWF pdf: MWF...
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Translated from German: Since Friday, new 5G-enabled mobile phones are expected at the International Consumer Electronics Fair (IFA) in Berlin. The new mobile radio standard links many positive expectations. At the same time, however, concerns about possible health risks are also expressed. In a press release, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection in Salzgitter provides comprehensive information on...
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EMFSA’s August 2019 Newsletter can be viewed at:  https://mailchi.mp/b55f8ead9e08/emfnews “FOR THE SAFER USE OF TECHNOLOGY”
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Source: https://www.rcrwireless.com/20190826/5g/opposition-to-5g-small-cell-deployment-spreads-across-us Many consider 5G small cell installations to be at best an eye sore and at worst a serious health risk By Catherine Sbeglia on AUGUST 26, 2019 5G, the fifth generation of wireless technology, will give consumers access to more information faster and make businesses more efficient, and will create an unprecedented level connectivity around the world. However,...
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  From the blog “Does It Radiate?” by Juhana Harju:  Published August 11, 2019 (Translated from Finnish with the help of the author.) All images belong to the author. In the scientific literature, radio frequency radiation from wireless technology is considered as a form of environmental pollution ( Hardell 2019 ). In 2011, IARC, a cancer research institute under the...
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106324 9. Discussion and conclusion The breadth of peer-reviewed scientific research demonstrating biological effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) below current guidelines and standards highlights the need to further develop and codify pertinent building technology standards and guidance. Public health risks, accessibility needs, industrial liability and international precautionary actions indicate that RFR is an important performance parameter...
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A MP has started asking the government questions about the safety of the technology. The IFP’s Nsikayezwe Cebekhulu asked Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, if she was informed of the potential risk 5G posed to humans. Mapisa-Nqakula said her office was aware of risks associated with 5G, but the Department of Telecommunications...
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