
Public Consultation
Nous appelons donc à poursuivre la production de connaissance sur ce sujet, en particulier sur les liens entre exposition et effets sanitaires. Nous avons identifié de nouveaux points d’attention. Pour consulter l’intégralité de nos travaux : https://t.co/EPTIL9NWQ4 (9/10) pic.twitter.com/f79w2A1WRo— Anses (@Anses_fr) April 20, 2021 (Auto-translated from French) https://tinyurl.com/brhx5ukx Technological developments and the multiplication of digital...
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FRANCE:  The National Frequency Agency (ANSES) is an administrative public institution established by the Telecommunications Regulatory Act of 26 July 1996, with the mission of managing the radio spectrum in France. PUBLIC CONSULTATION ON THE EVOLUTION OF ANFR REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE PUBLIC EXPOSURE TO ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES IN 5G 09/03/2019 The fifth...
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Public Consultation The draft of the ICNIRP Guidelines on Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz) is now ready for public consultation. The draft is comprised of the main guidelines document, and two appendices. As part of the development of the guidelines, ICNIRP has regularly given draft guidelines presentations to...
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