
Property Values
A News 24 Article, source: https://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/municipalities-should-not-approve-building-plans-which-may-devalue-surrounding-properties-concourt-rules-20190219 The Constitutional Court has ruled that municipalities are obliged to consider the possibilities that a new development could devalue nearby properties before approving building plans. The court said that when a proposed building is being considered, the decision-maker should check against whether the proposed property could disfigure the area, or...
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16/5/2021 Post update, an article from South Florida: Real estate Q&A: Is there an obligation to tell prospective buyers about a nearby cell phone tower? By Gary M. Singer South Florida Sun Sentinel, Apr 24, 2021 Question: We bought a condo last year and recently discovered that a shopping plaza that borders our neighborhood has a...
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By Jon Houzet April 29, 2018 Municipality refuses application for NGK church land NDLAMBE Municipality has rejected a controversial application to build a cell tower on the property of the Port Alfred Dutch Reformed Church in Broadway, Forest Downs. There were numerous objections to the proposed cell tower from neighbours and surrounding community members when...
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