
Two French associations announced that they have launched an appeal with the country’s supreme court (Conseil d’Etat) against the government’s green light for roll-out of 5G networks. Environmental group Agir and Priartem, an organisation campaigning on electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), are calling for an official assessment of the ecological impact and health risks associated with 5G,...
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October 2 2019 Paris (AFP) Several NGOs on Wednesday called for a moratorium on the deployment of 5G, fearing risks to health but also consequences “out of control” on the society of this technology expected as a revolution in mobile telephony. Delivering vast amounts of data much faster than today’s mobile phones, 5G promises the...
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Source for this article: http://www.priartem.fr/EHS-Nouvelle-avancee-judiciaire-en.html?fbclid=IwAR08a3_kXRclym9jZapaO1IWlGiko87uEsylD6AbA0rB_tT4h-xJhM5w8W8 In a judgment of January 17, the Administrative Court of Cergy-Pontoise recognized the electrohypersensitivity of a research technician as an occupational disease. For Sophie PELLETIER, president of PRIARTEM, it is a double “first” : “This is the first time that the administrative jurisdiction – on which  civil servants depend –...
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