
By: Health Council of the Netherlands The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands2020, publication no. 2020/16Ae: 1-131 Full text: https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Background-document-to-the-advisory-report-5G-and-health-2.pdf Health Council of the Netherlands-5G and Health: Conclusions
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Almášiová V, Holovská K, Andrašková S, Cigánková V, Ševčíková Z, Raček A, Andrejčáková Z, Beňová K, Tóth Š, Tvrdá E, Molnár J, Račeková E. Potential influence of prenatal 2.45 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure on Wistar albino rat testis. Histol Histopathol. 2021 Mar 25:18331. doi: 10.14670/HH-18-331. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33779980. Abstract An ever-increasing...
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A JAMA journal is retracting and replacing a 2020 paper which linked exposure to nonionizing radiation — think cellphones, Bluetooth devices and microwave ovens — during pregnancy to the risk for attention deficit disorder later in childhood after a reader pointed out a critical error in the study.  The paper, “Association Between Maternal Exposure to Magnetic...
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Join us for a free webinar with James Lech, doctoral candidate, multidisciplinary researcher and the recipient of numerous South African and international awards. Topic: Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and the Interaction of EMFs www.emfsa.co.za •Epigenetic domination of C-sections •Biophysics at play in the womb •Why do so many mothers get diastasis recti of their belly when pregnant?...
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University of Colorado Denver researcher finds nighttime brightness linked to 13% increase in preterm birth likelihood 28-Jan-2021 2:15 PM EST, by University of Colorado Denver Newswise — In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers discovered that light pollution leads to more than just wasted energy and washed-out starlight–it can increase the likelihood of a preterm birth by almost 13%. Laura Argys,...
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Our January 2021 Newsletter is available at: https://mailchi.mp/963f53d212b8/covid-19-immune-system-research-pregnancy
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Our January 2021 Newsletter is available at: https://mailchi.mp/963f53d212b8/covid-19-immune-system-research-pregnancy
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Effects of electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation on androgen synthesis and release from the pig endometrium during the fetal peri-implantation periodAnimal Reproduction Science ( IF 1.660 ) Pub Date : 2021-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2021.106694Wiktoria Kozlowska; Ewa Monika Drzewiecka; Agata Zmijewska; Anna Koziorowska; Anita Franczak Abstract An electromagnetic field (EMF) may have effects on female reproduction. This study was conducted to determine whether EMF [50 and...
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News of 12/16/2020 (Auto-translated from French) While there is no traditional food use for Melaleuca leaves in France, essential oils present in many food supplements are derived from them: tea tree, niaouli and cajeput. Consumers are altering their use to make adjunct treatments for certain infections. However, these essential oils are not recommended and are even prohibited in certain European countries...
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5G and healthSeptember 2, 2020 https://www.healthcouncil.nl/documents/advisory-reports/2020/09/02/5g-and-health Emphasis added by EMFSA 4.1 Conclusions Page 26In its analysis, the committee has assessed whether electromagnetic fields in the 5G frequency ranges have the potential to cause adverse health effects. It has assessed whether relations exist between exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on the one hand and the occurrence...
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