
Link https://www.ndi.org/publications/5g-and-future-internet-implications-developing-democracies-and-human-rights 5G adoption is happening around the world, even in places with low internet penetration. As of February 2021, 131 countries had announced plans to invest in 5G and more than 60 of the 98 countries NDI works in were engaging corporations that have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in their 5G plans....
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By David Ray, July 7, 2020 Night shift work has been a common feature of industrial economies for decades, and it has long been known that working through the night can negatively impact upon health. In recent years, the evidence base about these health impacts has expanded considerably. Here, Professor David Ray introduces this evidence and highlights how...
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Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2019/08/06/we-need-to-better-educate-the-public-about-ais-limitations/#51266eb260bb by Kalev Leetaru Excerpts Deep learning’s magic-like capabilities mask its very real limitations. To the general public, AI systems stand poised to sweep aside humanity itself, with algorithms replacing human workers and killer robots ready to run amok. Policymakers rush to consider legislation for self-aware machines, the future of capitalism in a job-free world...
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