
The book can be downloaded for free:  (198 page pdf)https://www.orsaa.org/uploads/6/7/7/9/67791943/frequencies_used_in_telecommunications__an_integrated_radiobiological_assessment.pdf Sources: ORSAA Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inchttps://www.orsaa.org/ EMR Australia PL https://emraustralia.com.au/
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Presentation to Bermuda Council: https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Presentation-to-Bermuda-Council-19-Nov-Final.pdf Slides 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All effects of RF “non-ionising” radiation 6. 7. 8. REVIEW OF FUNDING SOURCES – ORSAA DATABASE 2019 UPDATE VIDEO: Online Information Gathering Session for Radiofrequency and 5G Safety. Mr Leach’s presentation is at about 58 minutes. All the talks were interesting.
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June 17, 2020, ORSAA submission to the FCC: https://www.emfsa.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/FCC-Submission.-US-version-final-2.pdf About ORSAAThe Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inc. (ORSAA) was formed in 2015 by a group of academics and researchers throughout Australia. ORSAA is a not-for-profit organisation of scientists and professionals of various academic disciplines who have observed a discrepancy between the declarations of public regulators...
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The ORSAA executive team has again published in the Journal of Radiation Protection in Australasia with a few collaborating scientists/medical doctors from New Zealand. This letter is specifically addressing 5G. Bandara, Priyanka & Mccredden, Julie & May, Murray & Leach, Victor & Weller, Steve. (2020). Serious Safety Concerns about 5G Wireless Deployment in Australia and...
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Victor Leach is a radiation health physicist and atmospheric scientist for the past 40 years. Founding member of Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inc. (ORSAA). Former Australian Radiation Laboratory (now ARPANSA), and QLD & NT State Health Departments. Former University Radiation Advisor at both the Queensland University of Technology and the University of Queensland. His...
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ORSAA 28 May Newsletter Julie McCredden, Steven Weller & Victor Leach in Australia talking about upcoming 5G Health Symposium on 7th July: https://www.facebook.com/groups/STOP5GGlobal/permalink/2299995236934513?sfns=mo The 7th July is an all day symposium and will allow for a short question and answer session at the end of each talk and a forum discussion at the end. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/5g-healthsymposium-brisbane-with-barrister-ray-broomhall-steve-weller-paul-seils-co-tickets-61868577581 Although ORSAA...
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ORSAA is approached by European Media to give opinion on current RF Standard in the current 5G Media Hype https://www.orsaa.org/latest-news/orsaa-is-approached-by-european-media-to-give-opinion-on-current-rf-standard-in-the-current-5g-media-hype ORSAA were asked specify questions and this was followed up with  a Skype interview from the UK. The final press release is: 1.  Press enquiry: Computer Weekly | Investigate Europe.  ORSAA_Answers to your questions to Investigate Europe Excerpt from the...
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The Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA) has submitted formal comments to the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) on the draft “GUIDELINES FOR LIMITING EXPOSURE TO TIME-VARYING ELECTRIC, MAGNETIC AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (100 kHz TO 300 GHz)”. Please refer to the ORSAA comments attached. ORSAA Submission to ICNIRP The draft RF Guideline documents...
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Re- posted from: Electromagnetic Radiation Safety https://www.saferemr.com/2018/08/cellphonestudies2years.html An annotated bibliography which contains 92 papers published in scientific journals during the last two years that report evidence of harm from cell phone radiation exposure can be downloaded from: This set of papers reflects various types of harm from exposure to cell phone radiation including reproductive harm,...
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A paper by Mr Victor (Vic) Leach (ORSAA and ARPS Member), co-authored  with Adjunct Associate Professor David Bromwich. The paper was presented at the 5th Asian & Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-5 Link to the paper: https://www.orsaa.org/latest-news/orsaa-presents-at-aocrp-conference Adjunct Associate Professor David Bromwich  has a background in assisting organisations and industry in risk managing...
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