
NTP Study
Chair David Eaton, PhD, DABT, ATS Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Dean and Vice Provost, UW Graduate School University of Washington Seattle, WA Peer Review Panel 1 Frank Barnes, PhD Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical, Computer & Energy Engineering University of Colorado Boulder Boulder, CO James Lin, PhD Professor Emeritus, Department of...
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Monday, March 12, 2018 The Environmental Working Group Comments to NTP on Cellphone Radiation Study https://www.ewg.org/testimony-official-correspondence/ewg-comments-ntp-cellphone-radiation-study#.WqbYYri3tCk EWG submits comments on the National Toxicology Program’s draft technical reports on cellphone radio-frequency radiation. EWG finds that these studies are relevant to human health, and increase the level of concern for the cancer-causing effects of cellphone radiation and...
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“More Than a Coincidence” Microwave News http://microwavenews.com/news-center/more-coincidence New Large Animal Study, Like NTP’s, Links RF to Schwannoma of the Heart February 20, 2018 It’s happened again. A second large study has found tumors in the Schwann cells —schwannomas— in the hearts of male rats exposed to cell phone radiation. The new finding comes from the...
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High Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation Linked to Tumor Activity in Male Rats https://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/newsroom/releases/2018/february2/index.cfm Link to transcript below: radiofrequency_508 Audio Recording of Telephone Press Conference available top right hand side of page (at this link) https://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/newsroom/releases/2018/february2/index.cfm  
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  Overarching Myth #1: The NTP study is just one rat study that is irrelevant to humans because the radiation exposures were far higher than humans get from cell phones. Fact: This is the world’s largest, most carefully done study on wireless radiation specifically designed to mimic human exposures in rodents. Every agent that is...
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From the blog  Between A rock and Hard Place   Today, the US NTP published results of its animal study examining effects of RF-EMF on mice and rats. Both reports are quite long to read and I had no time for detailed evaluation yet. However, in my opinion, the NTP study demonstrates that exposures to...
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Future Telecoms Infrastructure Review  – Call for Evidence Written submission by Dave Ashton You sometimes hear it said – mainly by pious politicians – that the first job of any Government is to protect its citizens. This is a laudable aim, but, concerning harmful microwave-emitting technologies such as cellular communications, wi-fi, and smart meters etc.,...
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The National Toxicology Program has been conducting experiments in rats and mice on potential health hazards from cell phone radiofrequency radiation. The NTP released a report on some important study findings on May 27, 2016. The complete results from all the rat and mice studies will be available for peer review and public comment by...
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Wireless communication technologies: New study findings confirm risks of non ionizing radiation. Digital mobile devices emit non ionizing radiation. The risks of electromagnetic fields (EMF) to human health have been known from medical and military research since the 1950s. This article documents the latest study findings regarding the endpoints of genotoxicity, fertility, blood-brain barrier, cardiac...
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(Image source Source: Frank de Vocht, “Corrigendum,” Environment International, posted January 25, 2017)(GBM is a type of glioma, so the right-hand plot would be better titled “Malignant Glioma other than GBM”) GBM Going Up, Other Malignant Glioma Going Down January 31, 2017 The incidence of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most virulent and deadly type of...
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