
Non-ionizing Radiation
Levitt BB, Lai HC, Manville AM. Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna, part 1. Rising ambient EMF levels in the environment. Rev Environ Health. 2021 May 27. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2021-0026. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34047144. Abstract Ambient levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) have risen sharply in the last 80 years, creating a...
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Source https://tinyurl.com/ufd8vfa4 Guest Blog, from Professor Denis L. Henshaw, on the myth where EMF’s too low energy to break chemical bonds is automatically equaled to ‘no meaningful effects possible’ Posted on May 4, 2021 Below is the next in a series of Guest Blogs on BRHP. The opinions expressed in this Guest Blog are of Professor Denis L....
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Baaken D, Dechent D, Blettner M, Drießen S, Merzenich H. Occupational Exposure to Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields and Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Results of a Feasibility Study for a Pooled Analysis of Original Data. Bioelectromagnetics. 2021 Mar 25. doi: 10.1002/bem.22335. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33764559. Abstract Previous meta-analyses have suggested an increased risk...
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