
Henry Lai (2021) Genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2021.1881866 ABSTRACT This is a review of the research on the genetic effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic field (EMF), mainly on radiofrequency radiation (RFR) and static and extremely low frequency EMF (ELF-EMF). The majority of the studies are on genotoxicity (e.g., DNA damage, chromatin conformation changes, etc.)...
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Frank Barnes, Ben Greenebaum First published:20 April 2020 https://doi.org/10.1002/bem.22267 Grant sponsors: DARPA, grant number: HR000111810006; Milheim Foundation. Conflicts of interest: None. [Correction added on 22 Apr 2020, after first online publication: removed part of sentence referring to 4 W/m2]. Abstract Current limits for exposures to nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) are set, based on relatively short‐term exposures....
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Source: Lancet April 17, 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1470-2045(19)30246-3 Excerpt: An Advisory Group of 29 scientists from 18 countries met in March, 2019, to recommend priorities for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monographs programme during 2020–24. IARC periodically convenes such advisory groups to ensure that the Monographs evaluations reflect the current state of scientific evidence relevant to...
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Dr. Blythe’s presentation “Biological Justifications For Minimizing Radiofrequency Radiation to Children” was at the Children with Cancer Conference in 2018. PHIRE http://phiremedical.org/
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By ‘Your Own Health and Fitness’ Audio: Martin Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University and author of Explaining Unexplained Illnesses, discusses his review article about the harm caused by non-ionizing radiation and the failure of scientists and regulators such as the FCC to prevent that harm.
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Mortazavi SMJ, Mortazavi SAR, Paknahad M. Cancers of the Brain and CNS: Global Patterns and Trends in Incidence. J Biomed Phys Eng. 2018;8(1):151-152. Published 2018 Mar 1. Correspondence “Cancers of the brain and CNS: global patterns and trends in incidence” Published on April 13, 2017 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/correspondence-cancers-brain-cns-global-patterns-trends-smj-mortazavi SMJ Mortazavi Medical Physicist, Visiting Scientist, Fox Chase Cancer Center,...
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New paper: When theory and observation collide: Can non-ionizing radiation cause cancer? Press Release TRENT SCHOOL OF THE ENVIRONMENT Trent University 1600 West Bank Drive Peterborough, ON Canada K9L 0G2 The Missing Link: Why your government isn’t protecting you from Wi–Fi and cell phone radiation when research shows this radiation causes cancer. The American scientific...
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