
Mobile Devices
By Catherine Sbeglia on JULY 9, 2020 GSA: 135 5G devices are already commercially available Earlier this week, the Global mobile Supplies Association (GSA) reported that there are now 317 devices around the world that support 5G. Of those, 135 are understood to be commercially available, up from 112 5G supported devices at the end of May. According to...
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Source: https://www.oviedo.es/-/las-concejalias-de-medio-ambiente-y-educacion-lanzan-una-campana-para-sensibilizar-a-los-escolares-sobre-la-contaminacion-electromagnetica March 18, 2019 Excerpts (translated from Spanish): The Department of Urbanism and Environment of the City of Oviedo (through the Municipal School of Sustainability) and Department of Education (through the Municipal School of Health) in collaboration with the Platform Against Electromagnetic Pollution (PECCEM), will develop several activities to raise awareness of the health...
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Abstract: Over the next years the demand of wireless communication will increase tremendously. More and more mobile end devices require a high data rate connection e.g. to a smart home (Internet of Things, IoT) or to the internet. The radiation power pattern of base stations and mobile end devices will completely change for the 5G...
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