
Migratory Birds
Source: Audubon magazine https://tinyurl.com/4kzfkjy6 A new study suggests that migratory birds have a kind of built-in GPS that helps them navigate the world, even when they’re far from home. By Rachel Fritts March 04, 2021 The birds were getting restless. It was 2018 and fall was in the air, triggering their instinct to leave Austria...
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Source:  https://www.ecowatch.com/cities-migrating-birds-2649952941.html?rebelltitem=5#rebelltitem5 By Frank La Sorte and Kyle Horton Millions of birds travel between their breeding and wintering grounds during spring and autumn migration, creating one of the greatest spectacles of the natural world. These journeys often span incredible distances. For example, the Blackpoll warbler, which weighs less than half an ounce, may travel up to...
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Párraga DG, Tyack PL, Marco-Cabedo V, Crespo-Picazo JL, Manteca X, Martí-Bonmatí L (2020) Effects of 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging exposure on the behavior and orientation of homing pigeons Columba livia domestica. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0241280. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241280 Abstract Homing pigeons (Columba livia domestica) were used to test whether clinical magnetic resonance (MR) imaging disrupts orientation of...
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Comments Submitted for the Record Re: 19-226, Studying Impacts of 5G Radiation on Humans Through Safety Testing June 3, 2020 Brief Comment: To Whom It May Concern at the Federal Communications Commission: As the Federal agency lead from 1997 to 2014 — when I retired from the Division of Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish &...
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