
Governments and companies urgently need to share data on the mounting volume of satellites and debris orbiting Earth. https://t.co/ek7rYKd4mc— nature (@Nature) August 11, 2021 EDITORIAL 11 August 2021 Governments and companies urgently need to share data on the mounting volume of satellites and debris orbiting Earth. There’s an awful lot of stuff orbiting Earth, with...
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How To Save The Night Sky From Satellite Megaconstellationshttps://t.co/sRbHaqmr7aThe SATCON2 workshop happened last week, and the impacts of these megaconstellations will go far beyond putting "streaks" in the night sky.Here's what everyone should know.— Ethan Siegel (@StartsWithABang) July 22, 2021 Since 2019, the night sky — as seen by both human eyes and the telescopes...
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Astronomers are making some headway at the UN over the issue of how satellite megaconstellations are affecting the night skies for everyone. By me from #SATCON2 https://t.co/YdREfmTHNh— Alexandra Witze (@alexwitze) July 16, 2021 Source: Nature doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-01954-4 16 July 2021 Working with the United Nations, scientists hope to establish standards for satellite ‘megaconstellations’ and reduce disruption...
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Astronomical Society of Edinburgh Live public discussion with Andy Lawrence, Brian Eno, Catherine Heymans, Mark McCaughrean from ESA, Amy Mehlman from Viasat, and many others. Read Andy Lawrence’s book about this subject: “Losing the Sky”. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Losing-Sky-A… Thousands of satellites are now being launched into Low Earth Orbit in “mega-constellations” to give us high speed internet...
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The new Great Pacific Garbage Patch – space, the final frontier of waste. The problem of junk in lower earth orbit and what we do about it. https://t.co/Wu8ICYV8ne— Vicky Allan (@vicky_allan) June 4, 2021 THE news that a piece of space junk collided with the robotic arm on the International Space Station, is an alarming reminder that...
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Viasat asks FCC to halt @SpaceX Starlink launches while it seeks court ruling – SpaceNews https://t.co/mWw8C7rVd3— SpaceNews (@SpaceNews_Inc) May 25, 2021 by Jason Rainbow — May 25, 2021 TAMPA, Fla. — Satellite operator Viasat is asking the FCC to stop SpaceX from launching more Starlink satellites as it heads to court to compel a thorough environmental review of...
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Source: https://spacenews.com/china-is-developing-plans-for-a-13000-satellite-communications-megaconstellation/ by Andrew Jones — April 21, 2021 HELSINKI — China is to oversee the construction and operation of a national satellite internet megaconstellation through coordinating the country’s major space actors.  Recent comments by senior officials indicate that plans are moving ahead to alter earlier constellation plans by space sector state-owned enterprises and possibly make these part...
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