
Lower Earth Orbit
The new Great Pacific Garbage Patch – space, the final frontier of waste. The problem of junk in lower earth orbit and what we do about it. https://t.co/Wu8ICYV8ne— Vicky Allan (@vicky_allan) June 4, 2021 THE news that a piece of space junk collided with the robotic arm on the International Space Station, is an alarming reminder that...
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Source: Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-spacex-starlink-satellites-dominate-orbit-industry-experts-2021-3?IR=T Kate Duffy SpaceX Starlink satellites have taken over the lower Earth orbit, experts told Insider.There are apparently 1,300 Starlink satellites in lower orbit and 300 from other entities.“We’re not at the end of the world yet but it’s a serious situation,” another space researcher said. SpaceX is rapidly deploying its Starlink...
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