
LEO Satellites
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Giuliana Rotola, Andrew Williams, ‘Regulatory Context of Conflicting Uses of Outer Space: Astronomy and Satellite Constellations’, (2021), 46, Air and Space Law, Issue 4, pp. 545-568, https://kluwerlawonline.com/journalarticle/Air+and+Space+Law/46.4/AILA2021031 Abstract The freedom of access to outer space has resulted in an exponential increase of objects located in Earth’s orbits. In the coming decade, up to 100,000 satellites...
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Satellites to connect the unconnected https://t.co/TJrQ75zwWm pic.twitter.com/tLlinamQPp— Int’l #Telecommunication Union #OurDigitalFuture (@ITU) July 15, 2021 ITU News interview Julie Zoller, who oversees the key regulatory affairs portfolio for Amazon’s Project Kuiper, which aims to launch a constellation of low-Earth orbit satellites to provide low-latency, high-quality broadband connectivity worldwide. She previously served as chief government affairs...
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Source: https://spacenews.com/china-is-developing-plans-for-a-13000-satellite-communications-megaconstellation/ by Andrew Jones — April 21, 2021 HELSINKI — China is to oversee the construction and operation of a national satellite internet megaconstellation through coordinating the country’s major space actors.  Recent comments by senior officials indicate that plans are moving ahead to alter earlier constellation plans by space sector state-owned enterprises and possibly make these part...
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He hopes low-Earth orbits will help him succeed where so many others have failed. Bloomberg Businessweek September 17, 2020 By Thomas Pfeiffer and Thomas Seal Every few years, someone comes along promising to disrupt the satellite industry. They burn through billions in cash before ambition crashes back down to Earth. Since the late 1990s, Globalstar, Iridium, Leosat, Skybridge, Teledesic,...
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